Chapter 31 - Morning

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Ally's POV:

A beam of light runs upon my tired eyes. Slowly, I open them. I move my arm to shield the light but a strike of pain hits me in doing so. My body is aching all over. I fight the pain and sit up straight, only to slouch back down again.
I rub my eyes, adjusting to the lighting of the room and focus onto the clock. 6:00 a.m.
Why did I have to wake up so early? 6 hours of sleep is not enough for me.

I slowly make my way to the bathroom but stop in my tracks to look through the full body mirror. I need to see, I must see.

I undress my clothes and stare at my body. I look like a monster.

My once flawless skin, now flawed all over.
My soft face, now dirty and rough.
My dainty hands, now dented and purple.

The cut on my thigh has become a large scar now, and the cut on my arm has become a scar also. The dents in my wrist remain purple dents still. My slapped cheek remains red and flustered. My bruised shoulder slightly faded, but still there. My mascara still smudged around my eyes, enhancing the darkness of my eye circles. I am a true living mess, I need to be cleansed.

I stare at myself disgustingly, faintly touching my bruised body. You could say was a work of art too now, only I have a deep ugly meaning behind it.

I sigh, and look away from myself. I proceed towards the bathroom. I run the tap, and hold my wrists under it to relieve pain. I turn the water to cold. I splash my face with water and it stings so badly. I hope it won't be as bad tomorrow.

I step into the shower and the cold water runs, tricking at first down the crook of my neck, then gushing down like a river on my arm. For once, it causes me relief. I watch the water run down my body, flinching at the stinging sensation when the warmth meets my open scars. However, I remain at ease when numbness takes over and the pain subsides.

Michael's POV:

I wake up with the light shining in my eyes. I get up, to find myself still in my clothes and no pyjamas.
Strange? I look to my left and see Tatiana sleeping. Oh how gorgeous she looks! Wait, what's Tatiana doing here? Oh yes! We ended up watching a movie when I invited her to my room yesterday, I guess we fell asleep too...

Oh goodness! I am taking Ally, Tati and Janet out today to shop! Well mainly for Ally anyway. We all need to get ready!

I am about to wake Tatiana but the phone rings. I reach over and pick it up, "Jackson speaking?" I say.

"It's Janet! Hey Mikey, I am so sorry but something popped up on my schedule so I have to cancel my plans with you today... You can still go with Tati and Ally tho!"

"Janet no! That's such a shame, I guess we will make do without you then... I hope to see you soon though!"

"Same here Mike, gotta go, bye-bye!"

"Bye bye Dunk!" I guess it's just Ally, Tatiana and I. I will buy Tatiana some things too, but it's mainly Ally's day.

Looking back, Tatiana is sitting up. "Morning Mike, sorry I fell asleep!"

"Oh don't worry about that! Anyway, we have an outing today! I have booked us at Grande Mall, it will be cleared in certain shops."

"That's great! We better get ready then!" She rubs her hands together. I smile and walk her to the door.
"See you in a bit Mikey" she smiles. I smile back and she leans in to kiss my cheek. I blush at her action and shut the door.

I have a shower and get changed into my black patent trousers, sexy right? I wear a plain red v-neck shirt and my long black coat. I put on my fedora and spray cologne on myself.

I hurry out the door and knock on Ally's. She's Ally so I just knock and open the door. I see her with a bathrobe on, it reaches her knees. She stands in front of the mirror.
Her cheek looks slightly red and I notice a bruise on her right shin.

She turns around in shock and looks down. She looks awful! Well not like that, but dull and down. It's terrible to see her like that, what could be wrong?

She notices me staring at her pinky cheek.

"Michael!" She half smiles.
"Oh uh, that's just a rash if you were wondering." She says softly stroking her hand against her cheek.

"Where did you get that bruise from?" I say pointing to her leg, what on earth?

"What bruise?"

"The one on your leg"

She looks down and her eyes widen a bit, "Oh! That's probably from yesterday, I bumped in to the corner of my bed pillar..."

"I-uhh, okay, and you're sure you're okay?" Something tells me she's lying, but the voice in my head says to believe her like a friend should.

"100 %" she smiles.

Ok she didn't sound convincing before but I will take that as a yes.

"So you remembered your outing today?"

Her mouth drops. "Oh I'm so sorry! I forgot! Give me an hour tops please, or we could do it another time..." She says looking down at her leg. She seemed hesitant on wanting to go, which takes my suspicion.

"Nope, we're going today, I will drag you out there if I have to! You deserve the best!" I chuckle.

She smiles. "Love you Mikey, I can't thank you anymore."

"Love you too Als, I'll wait in my room for you."

"Okay, bye!"

"Bye." She turns back around and I walk out the door. I glance back and she is sighing holding the pillar of her bed, bent down slightly as if she's in pain as her head looks down as if she's crying. I shut the door behind me and walk back to my room thinking. I shake my head in annoyance, she's not herself anymore but I don't know why. If somethings up, why isn't she telling me? Something is wrong but I don't know what...
I don't know whether it's all in my head or not, if something happened that affects her, she would tell me, so it can't be that bad, can it? Maybe I should drop this.

Hey guys!
Hope you like the chapters so far! Who put those men up to doing that? Find out soon! Love ya xxx ❤️

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