Chaptet 61 - Announcement

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Michael's POV:

Time passed by and dinner was being served, mothers home-made roast dinner, the best you could find! The clock was ticking and the announcement of mine and Ally's marriage had to be made very soon. I could sense the nervousness from Ally as she fiddled with my fingers underneath the table.

Everyone was chatting away, but I could see Ally blushing in the corner of my eye- she could sense my upcoming action.

I stood up from my seat, tapping my glass with my fork, "Everyone, mother, Joseph, I have an announcement to make!" I shout, catching all attention.

"As you know, Ally and I have been dating for a while, and you all know how down hill my previous relationships have gone. With Ally, it's been consistent, my love hasn't changed for her, it's eternal.  Though there has been tough times within the relationship, we worked through it together, because we are soulmates. I could never separate myself from her. Honestly, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me. So, here we go-" Michael looks at me, gently taking my hand, revealing the previous ring. "I proposed, and she said yes!" My heart was beating so fast!

The awe and shock on everyone's faces was incredible!

"My baby, Michael! Oh I'm so proud of you!" Katherine cried out.

"I'm happy for you, son, I knew you would find the one someday, and I know I've given you hard times, but I am proud of you." Joseph said dearly to Michael.

Tears were brimming both of our eyes and Michael turned to me, wrapped his arm around my neck and kissed me, earning a squeal from Janet.

I can't believe it! This is just- wow.

"And!" Michael shouts, "One last thing, now I'm sure you all know about the awful incident that happened to Ally," he trailed off on a low note, "But from it, resulted a blessing. Ally is pregnant. And before you all say something, no matter the father, that is an innocent child, who deserves to live, so Ally is having this baby, and I'm going to be it's father. And! It's a girl!"

"It's all your choices to make, I wish you the best of luck," Katherine said smiling, and we got congratulated by everyone else.

We seated ourselves and continued to talk, as happily as ever. Janet was blabbing away, talking about future baby plans and the marriage and whatnot- the atmosphere was absolutely wonderful to be in! I'm so glad everyone knows, I feel so accepted and lov- "AGH!" I release a blood-curdling scream.

The shard of glass pierced through my arm, fresh blood oozing out as the fragment sunk into my delicate skin.
My eyes trace the blood seeping out the wound in shock, my heart thumping fast- what the hell?

I squint in pain, before turning to see the cause.
Everyones faces are filled with shock, including Michaels. The entire patio, the once glass frame, shattered to pieces.

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