Chapter 27 - Handsome men

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Michael's POV:

I can't believe we left Tatiana in the limo! I must say I feel really bad about that... But I mean Ally was really funny for escorting me out of the limo! But that was not impressive (not trying to be stuck up) when Bill did not open my door for me, it is part of his job after all. I do not like the fact Ally may be interested in Bill, he is not the one for her! I will know who is good for her when 'he' comes.

'So sorry Tatiana!' I whisper in her ear taking her hand. We walk inside to be met by a bunch of really handsome dudes. They look very professional, I guess they are staying here. They turn around, glance at me and simply engage back into their conversation. What? Hell, I am Michael Jackson? Since when has anyone not reacted to my presence? Meh, I guess it's kind of an advantage for me anyway.

One dude keeps staring at Ally, he looks like he is talking into his watch...Strange. Oh, and Ally is staring back! Why is she attractive to all men! I mean, they keep glancing at each other, I really hope they don't meet.

Ally's POV:

When we walk in, a bunch of handsome dudes are standing there, having a conversation. One dude, with jet black eyes piercing through me, is staring at me and then quickly glances away. I can see him talking into his watch, probably just business. He is very good looking, I must say, better looking than Bill.

Michael tugs at my hand pulling me towards the elevator, he looks quite concerned. I just shrug it off and stand still until we reach my floor. I proceed out of the doors and smile at Mike and go into my room.

I tidy my room and walk to the window. I can see a few fans hanging about the restaurants and stuff, banners tied to railings for Michael. He is one lucky man in the sense he has all these loving people. Alex was my love, only he never loved me. He used my heart and binned it. Some things are unforgivable.

Michael's POV:

Tatiana walks into my room with me. "Would you like a cup of coffee?" I ask. She nods and strolls around the room.

I bring the coffee to her and we sit down on the couch.

"So tell me about yourself!" I ask sipping my coffee.

'Well! Theres so much about me, I probably don't even know!"

"Well go ahead!"

"Ok, well when I was little..."

Ally's POV:

I kick my shoes off and get into my pyjamas. I sit on the edge of the bed and begin to read a book I brought with me.

My thoughts are distracted by a manly scent lingering around the hallway outside my room. A very strong smell indeed, I can hear the light but rough whispering of a few men. I can't tell how many though.
The biting cold air causes me to shiver, in what feels like an empty atmosphere.

Who would be out of their rooms at this time of the day? I can still hear the shuffling of feet, getting louder, but fades soon. Suddenly, the walking gets louder again and I begin to feel curious now. Who on earth is on my floor hallway? I can hear the clinking of, metal?

Strange... The whispers fade and I hear someone clear their throat. I place my book down quietly. I sat bolt upright, not dating to blink or even breathe. I put my robe on and tip toe quietly to the door. I place my ear against it and try to listen to the voices.

"So we go in.... hold her.." I can't make put what they are saying very well.

"We can'" I hear another voice say.

Who are they talking about?

Suddenly someone knocks on my door and I jump away from fear.

I slowly open the door and immediately I am forced back with a hand taped around my mouth as I struggle to breath... The door slams shut.

Hey guys! Suspense is building up! Who were those voices! What are they gonna do! Is Ally in danger? Stay tunes! Love ya xxx

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