Chapter 47 - Ruined

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Ally's POV:

My eyes drift open, as I wake from my beauty sleep. Instantaneously, the pain in my abdomen throbs yet again, causing a groan to escape my parted lips. I lift myself up, throwing on a robe.
I shift myself into my wheelchair. Where's Michael? I thought he would still be in bed.

I halt when I see my phone flashing. 1 new message.

"Ally, I never wanted it to go this far, I'm sorry for everything I've done, truly, you have to forgive me. But I'm not the man behind it all. There's someone else. She wanted to kill you, but I refused to let her. She wanted you to suffer, I don't know why. I tried to stop her but she said she'd kill me and my family if I did, so I couldn't. I don't know who she really is, but she's cruel. Please, don't tell anyone I sent you this, don't tell it to a single soul, not a word of it, because if you do, she'll kill my family."

The message ends. Oh my gosh, that's Alex's voice. He sounds genuinely worried. But then again, I thought he was genuine when he said he loved me. Got that part wrong. So, he wasn't the only one? Alex, Tatiana, and who?

As I roll to the door, I hear noises of shouting, cursing and yelling. I get a little worried, but go down anyway.

Oh wait, how the hell am I going to get down? Shoot, plan B.
I get out of the chair, and awkwardly slide myself down the stairs looking like a lunatic, dragging the folded wheel chair down too.

Finally, after the exhausting process of getting down the stairs, I get back in the wheel chair.

"FUCK! Argh!" He screams repeatedly, I've never heard Michael curse so much before.

I open the door to the dining room slowly. I gasp immediately at the horrific sight, what a state! The rooms been turned upside down! Literally everywhere!

Vases smashed to pieces, TV screen cracked, chairs scattered everywhere, tea table upside down, drawers thrown across the floor along with the objects inside it and pictures and frames broke. Into shards of dangerous glass.

"Yes! Who in their right mind would do this! Tighten up security! I'll be speaking with you later." He says into the phone and hangs up.

He turns to me, looking furious and concerned.

"W-what happened?"

"Can't you guess?" He says, picking up a book only to fling it elsewhere.

"I- I don't know, I know you've clearly been robbed."

"Well yeah, but it's different, whoever the robber is, hasn't actually stolen anything, they trashed the entire room, breaking everything in sight!" He says getting furious again.

"O-oh." I say, a little scared of his temper. However, him being mad is kind of a turn on.

"Sorry, I'm just really angry. I think I know who could have done this. None other than Tatiana, right?"

"But I thought she and the crew were in Japan?" I say.

"No, I couldn't leave them there so they all got tickets back to their homes here."

"But you don't know for sure its Tatiana, would she really try to mess with us again after what happened to Alex?"

"Well, possibly, yeah."

I wheel over rubbish and go into the kitchen, seeing as the door is shut. Michael probably hasn't checked in there yet.

I went in there, it was still clean and tidy. Except for the massive red spray paint on the wall. It says, 'BITCH' on one side of the wall.

Underneath is a yellow sticky note attached to the wall.

'Michael, give me $1000000 by next week, or your beloved friend will die. Meet me at Hyde Park by then at night. I'll be waiting.

Love from, L'

Who on earth is L? Who ever this is, they are threatening to kill me! Michael can't give someone $1000000 out of the blue! I won't let him.

"Uhh, Michael." I say.

"Yeah?" He says from the other room.

"You need to see this." And I hear his footsteps nearing the kitchen.

"I don't think it was Tatiana." I say handing him the sticky note as he observes the spray paint, then looking back down at the note.

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