Chapter 36 - Plan

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Michael's POV:

When Tatiana was trying on dresses she looked absolutely beautiful. But she spend a shit-load of things. Way over budget, and much more than Ally spent. I can't blame her because she is a model so she is gonna lose track of how much she spends. We had gone to other shops that day and Ally bought several small things. But it was adorable of what she chose, for example, she wanted a big purple teddy bear, so I got her it. But u couldn't help but think she was drop-dead gorgeous in those dresses. There's something about that girl that makes me crazy.

We arrive back at the Hotel and I take Tatiana to my room, Ally goes to her.

"So Tatiana, I was wondering, If-if you would like to go to dinner?"

"Are you asking me out on a date?"

"Sure." I rock back and forth.

"Wonderful! When will it be?"

She said yes! Yay!

"Um, tomorrow? At 6:30?"

"Sounds perfect. See you then Michael!"

"See ya Tati." I blush as she kisses my cheek.

She walks out my room and goes to hers.

Tatiana's POV:

Yes! He finally asked me out on a date!

Great, now I can call Alex. Yes, you got it right. I know Ally was raped. Wanna know how?
I myself planned it all purposefully.
But I can't take all the credit for it. Alex was in it too. He told me about his story, the whole fiasco that happened with her.

I believe that I needed more attention from Michael, and for Ally to stay out of my way. I knew she could sense something fishy. I needed her to knows that Michael is off limits. She can't have him, I will. So Alex can have what he wants with her.
It will shut her up, just like I expected.

He organised his buddies to go and rape her. He said that was the starter, but he wanted to be the main course.
So she's got the rape of her life to be prepared for.

I couldn't care for that lowlife anyway, let him do what he wants with her, right?

I get my phone and call Alex.


"It's me, Tatiana."

"Oh okay? So what going on?"

"Your boys did a great job on Ally by the way. But Michael is taking me out on the date tomorrow, I believe this is your chance to get revenge on her. Rape her tomorrow Alex, and make it real good."

"Oh wow! So soon?"

"Mmhmm, and I cannot wait for her to endure the pain!" I chuckle.

"Same here. She deserves all I've got. I just think you should know, that by you wanting revenge, my boss has gotten involved, God knows what could happen."

"Oh I couldn't care less about Ally and her problem life, I'm not part of your company so I don't care about any of you. So I'm leaving tomorrow at 6:30. You get to her room then. Pretend to be room service. She'll let you in then. Otherwise break in."

"Okay then Tatiana, thought you were real, guess not. But, it sounds like plan. Can't wait though! Goodbye."


Perfect. Her rape is tomorrow. Hopefully it goes as planned. All the crew members will be at rehearsal, so the hotel is just for them.

Alex's POV:

Finally, the day has come. I can rape her till she's numb to the knees. I love the idea of my never ending pleasure and her never ending pain. I'm seriously gonna murder that pussy.

That slut deserves every inch of my penis buried deep inside her stomach.

I want her to know, no, feel, what she put me through, sending me to prison just like that. That's not how I roll, she should have known not to do me like that.

Now that I'm finally out, it feels good. But I was never finished with her. I never will be, not until tomorrow. God, she has a big storm upcoming. I want her to endure the never ending pain I suffered from prison; starving yourself or days, dangerous criminals keen to murder you, not having any chance of freedom, not being able to have a life. She did that to me. She destroyed whatever reputation I had. Gone. Just like that, she took it away. Prison changed me, I am a criminal now. That won't change, because tomorrow, will be my next crime of a lifetime.

I'm surprised my boss is allowing me to freely pleasure myself and hurt the girl.

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