Chapter 46 - Home Sweet Home

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Michael's POV:

We finally arrive at Neverland in our helicopter. I insisted we left straight away, as soon as we left hospital in Japan.

The helicopter flew in, so we left.

Now here we are, home sweet home. Well, at least my home.

Ever since I got caught up in the Tatiana stuff, I completely forgot the idea of asking Ally to move in with me. Well, it was mainly because I could tell Tatiana wouldn't want to share a home with Ally, anyway. I think I finally know why I never saw them get along that well, if only that wasn't the case.

She and that son of a bitch ex of Ally's, have scarred her, physically and mentally.


"Thanks for everything you have done Michael, I really appreciate it." She says to me after I changed her into her pyjamas. It was actually quite hard, seeing her body damaged so badly, and also because she is fragile and I wouldn't want to hurt her.

"Don't thank me, I want to do this."
She smiles back at me in response.

It's quite late, like 11:00.

"Michael, I want to go to bed, but can you sleep with me, I want to feel safe." She says.

"Anything for you, my angel." I know she loves it when I call her angel, she always gets shy and blushes, letting me know I've made her happy, the best thing ever.

I shut the bedroom door and get into bed with her. Whilst kissing her cheek, I reach over her and switch the lamp off.

We lay on our fronts, facing the ceiling.
I sight loudly.
"Can't sleep?" She says.

"No, you?" I reply.

"No." She says.

"This has been one eventful week, hasn't it?" I say.

"I know, but even if I could turn back the clocks, I wouldn't. Because right now, I'm happy. We finally confessed our feelings, and you saw the true Tatiana for what she is. Now that you're here, everything will be okay." She says, now turning to face me as I still look up.

"But I'm scared, that I won't be able to protect you again, I'm useless, aren't I?" I say glancing at her.

"Don't say that, you are my hero, ever since my parents died, you have always been my hero, even to this day and time. Don't doubt yourself."

"Thanks Ally, you know, you never really spoke about your parents much to me, if you don't mind me asking, what were they like?"

"Mm, they were just wonderful. Incredible. Mother, well she was a typical mother, cooks and cleans, bosses me around, but we dearly loved each other very much. I remember when we used to bake, I loved making cakes with her..."

"No wonder you're so great at making cakes." I tell her, now sideways facing her.

"Haha yeah, I guess so. We had all sorts of baking sessions and play fights! God I miss her, she's like my guardian angel."

"An angel for an angel, cute." I say.

"As for my father, he was amazing too. We always used to play games, he loved Monopoly. He also liked to teach me maths, always testing me, I hated that at the time, but I sure do miss it. I never saw him as much as mother as he was always working, but I know he's watching me from up above, I love them so much." She says, a tear coming from her eye. I quickly wipe it away and give her a soft peck on the lips.

"I know it must be hard, but they love you, so hold onto those memories. But, you never really told me, how they uh, they left you, it's hard topic but I need to know."

"I was bound to tell you at some point, I guess I have to now. It's really hard to say, so excuse my crying."

"You can cry all you want angel, I won't judge you ever." I say, move a hair out her face.

"Well, I was 13. I-I was at my friend Becca's house, for a- a sleepover. I was having so much fun that day. Then when it was close to nighttime, we had hot chocolate and went to bed. I was on bottom bunk, Becs was on top. Th-then, L-Lindsay, Becs mum, sh-she came in, w-whilst we were about t-to sleep." She snuffled.

"It's okay baby, you can cry, keep going." I say comforting her, wrapping an arm around her.

"A-and, she sat down on the bed, and Becca sat down with me. L-Lindsay was struggling to tell m-me what she has to say, s-she kept halting. Then, she blurted it out. She, she told me they were in a car crash. I-I was so shocked, a-and confused. So I said, 'but they are okay now right?', trying to avoid the reality of them dying. Her words were 'I'm really sorry, but no, they didn't make it.' After that day, I stayed with Becca and her mum. When I was 18, I moved out into my parents home."

"Oh Allison, that's so tragic! Come here baby." I say snuggling up to her, wiping her tears, as she cradled her head in my chest.

"B-but at least, at least I know, that when Iw as at Becca's house, she call to check up and our last words with each other was 'I love you'." She said, muffled into my shirt.

"That is sweet, very sweet. But even if I I can't have them. You have me. Would they approve of me?" I say, trying to change the topic slightly to make her feel better.

"Oh, I'm quite sure they would. Who wouldn't love the famous pop star Michael Jackson? I know they'd approve you, from what you have done for me this whole time, famous or not, you were the most loving man I could ever ask for. They know that, and I do too. So there's your answer, you would even need their approval." She smiles, twirling her finger round my hair, she gives me butterflies now, God I love her.
She is so supporting too, now I know her parents approve of me. I feel like everything's falling into place now.

"Michael?" She says.

"Mm?" I reply.

"What's going on with Alex and Tatiana?"

"Well Alex is banged up for good in prison, and Tatiana didn't have any consequences to face seeing as she didn't physically do anything. She got others to do her dirty work for her. Don't worry though, I had her a restraining order, she can't hurt us again."

"Oh, okay, night now Mike." She says kissing my cheek and dozing off.

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