Chapter 50 - Don't cry

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Ally's POV:

My eyes welled up with tears after what Michael just told me. He really does hate himself, and it seems that helping him see otherwise is beyond my ability. The salty tears begin to cascade down my face, my gut churning with helplessness. How can this wonderful man not see who he truly is?

"Don't cry for me. I'm not worth the tears, I've done enough of that myself."
He says bluntly.

"Shut up will you! Just shut up! You are more a man than you'll ever be! You think you're ugly? Bullshit! Do you know how many times I've looked you in the face and melted right there? Do you know how many girls have your face taped to their walls? Do you know that you can wear the most ridiculous outfits and still be considered a sex symbol? Because it's true! You are the most handsome man alive to walk this earth. But that's not what makes you the man you are, Michael. It's your kindness and hope, evil does not dwell with you, the boastful does not stand before your eyes. You taught the world to love one another earnestly from a pure heart as yours. Your love is stronger than death, it's jealousy as unyielding as the grave. Waters cannot quench love, and rivers cannot drown it, but you have the ability to possess such a powerful thing, and share it with us. Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. As you look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. You always looked for the better and found your kindness and hope, God forbid I take that away from you. God forbid anyone does. Stop bringing yourself down, just stop that, it's complete nonsense. Tell me, what man would go through the realms of hell to save a dying baby? What man would donate half his money to charity? What man does that? You do, doesn't that say something, Michael? Doesn't that prove to you what a good man you truly are?"

"Even if I am all those things, it's not enough. The world never gets enough of Michael Jackson. They want more and more. They follow me, they'll follow me to my own grave! I am bewildered at the length to which people will go to portray me so negatively! I know I do good things, I know I went to a hospital for children, but good news to them doesn't sell. They pin lies on my name and exaggerate me in the worst possible ways. Imagine how it feels to see myself called 'Wacko Jacko' on the front cover of the newspaper? People buy those stories." He says welling up with tears.

"You gotta totally block them out. Don't believe what they say, you're fans stick by you no matter what, do they not? You have millions of people that truly love you, listen to them and not the negative people. You are a good man Michael Jackson, don't let them get you down."

We both cradle eachother crying. We separate, drying our tears.

He remains silent for a minute, I suppose thinking about my advice.

"God, you are the most wonderful speaker, why hadn't I met you sooner?" He says chuckling, I peck his lips in response.

"Come on, let's go back upstairs." I say and he gets up, taking me upstairs.

We make it up and I wheel myself out the bedroom.

"I'm just gonna go use the bathroom, don't worry I can manage this time." I say smiling and he nods. The churning in my stomach begins to churn faster to the extent I wheel much faster than before. My insides feel like they're about to come out!

I get to the bathroom, I immediately throw up into the toilet. I haven't told Michael or anyone for that matter, but this has been happening for weeks now, and it's really scaring me. I-I think I'm pregnant.

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