Chapter 3 - Reflecting

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Allison's POV:
My house is in the picture above. I live in a fairly big house. However I would not have been able to afford it on my own. I grew up an only child, but both my parents died in a car crash when I was only 13. It was the worst time of my life. I was at Becca's house, we were having a sleepover...

"Allison Skylars! You little thief! Stealing money from the bank, tut tut." Becca said whilst rolling the dice on the Monopoly board.
We both doubled up in laughter as I placed back the money I cheated with. I could not be happier right now, I'm having so much fun! Sleepovers with Becca are the best! Becca's mum Lindsay called us downstairs for our hot chocolate. Yum! We sat at the breakfast bar and sipped on our hot chocolate. Just then the phone rang, Lindsay went to pick it up. She walked over to me and said, "It's your mum dear". My mother always called to check on me at sleepovers.
"Hey mum!"
"Hey sweetie, just called to check on you, all good?"
"Yeah I'm good!"
"Ok! Make sure you remember everything, and don't go to bed later than 10:00!"
"Yeah yeah mum I got it."
"Alright sweetie, your father says I love you, love you bye hun!"
"Love you too guys bye!"

Me and Becs gulped down the rest of our hot chocolate and looked at eachother.
We both broke into laughter when we noticed our milk moustaches on each others faces! She looks hilarious!
We ran up the stairs giggling and I jumped onto the bottom bunk. She went onto top bunk because I prefer bottom.
We turned all the lights off and took our phones out. We just did our own stuff until we decided to sleep.

I was just listening to music. God knows what Becca was doing.
15 minutes later the door slowly opened, it was Lindsay. Why would she come here?

"Hey girls, sorry to bother you, Becca come sit down on this bed."
Becca frowned but came down and sat next me on the head board whilst Lindsay sat on the edge.

"Whats up?" I asked.

"Listen, I want you to know that you will always be a part of our life and you are welcome to stay here whenever you need to. This is pretty hard for me to say whoo! Oh wow well umm.."
She grabbed both of my hands and I began to form a worried expression.

She carried on speaking, "I received a phone call just now, it's truly heartbreaking for all of us, but mainly for you. Your parents were in a car crash when they were heading out..."
My hands were trembling at this point.
"But they're okay right?" I stuttered before she carried on.

"Well um, no, I'm so sorry, it's so hard, they didn't make it Allison, it was severe. Im so sorry oh God...They are gone Lissy...".
My heart sunk in, my parents. No! No! No! Not my parents! They were nothing but good to me! Im sorry mom for not cleaning my room! Im sorry for begging to go shopping! Im sorry for wanting the perfect life! But what did I ever do so wrong to make you wanna leave me!

By this point I was collapsed in Becca's arms sobbing. She was rubbing my back and holding me tightly whilst Lindsay was stroking my hair. I felt broken.

I had no one else to turn to. I was alone.
"Lissy, you have us, you always will, you're not alone ok! You can stay with us, we will have you! You are family and always will be!" they tried to comfort me.

*end of flashback*
From that day on I lived with Becca and Lindsay. I consider Becca's mum my other mother now, but she will never replace my parents ever. But for what she has done I can't thank her enough.

When I turned 18 moved back into my old house, but with the money I claimed from my parents I put towards my bank and the house. I refurbished it in a way, a lot brighter and lively. It helped me think of a new fresh start and to put the past behind me for good. That does not mean I will ever forget my parents though.

Funnily enough, it was music that got me through those hard times. But not any old music, Michael Jackson's music. And that is why I always admire him, his lyrics and his angelic voice together soothed me.

Sometimes when I felt angry or frustrated I listened to BOTDF album or HIStory album. But if I felt upset I listened to Invincible album, and other singles too though.

Through his songs I began to understand his message. The tabloids were all lies. And it was destroying him. He felt like each story peeled layers of his dignity away. He was breaking, and nobody understood. I did. I totally understood, just because I'm not famous and have made up stories about me to the public does not mean I have not felt the same way or the same pain.

I really wish I could tell him one on one that he was not alone, that I understood, that he was so much more and I care about him. But that will never be possible so why even think of it.
I guess thats why I love Peter so much. The story of his life seems so similar to Michael Jacksons, so I admire him in the same way too, he would make a great best friend.

I decided to go to bed now and text Peter. I brush my teeth and wash my face. Gazing at all my imperfections I feel like drowning myself. What if people think I am extremely ugly? Oh well, I can't change my face as much as I want to. I dry my face and put my hair in a messy bun whilst getting into pyjamas.

Once I'm in bed I get comfy and whip my phone out. I send a text to Peter, doubting that he will reply back. I mean, it is 11:00, he could be sleeping.
Me: Hey Peter pan, sorry if I woke you!
To my surprise he was typing back.
Peter: Hey Allison! You did not, I'm just up late, you know, kinda busy guy, its complicated. Don't worry about that.

Me: Why? Why do you always say it's complicated? I open up to you, you can open up to me too you know?

Peter: Yes but like I said, it's complicated stuff I cannot share with you yet...

Me: Why can't I call or Skype you?

Peter: Because if we did, you may no longer want to know me, hence why I can't share things with you yet.

Me: I just want to understand you know, I can understand your stress and all, but I guess I'll have to wait.

Peter: Thanks for accepting my choices for now, I promise I'll make it up to you by tomorrow morning!

Me: That won't be necessary, but don't worry about it, I'm always here for you :)

Peter: I think I'm gonna sleep now, night! x

Me: Night! x

Oh my gosh he added a kiss. I felt my stomach to flips. How adorable!
I feel like I kind of have a crush on him! But he probably does not like me back that way. I hardly know what he looks like, let alone what he talks like...
I drift into a deep sleep, without realising I was dreaming of my future that was actually with him...

Hey my lovely moonwalkers! I hoped you like this chapter! You will soon find out who is behind the screen! Stay tuned for the next chapter ❤️

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