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I looked down at the hospital bracelet wrapped around my wrist.

"She's waking up!" I heard someone yell. I looked up and saw my Mom crying tears of happiness. I smiled at her.

"Ma why are you crying?" I asked.

"You were in a coma for 3 days. I thought you were never going to wake up." My mom said as crying.

"Wha-what happened" I asked feeling a sudden sharp pain the back of my head.

"Cameron came to visit you but when we went into your room there was blood all over your pillow coming from your head. We don't know what happened before that all we know is that you were unconscious."

I looked around and saw Cameron asleep in a chair. He was the last person I wanted to see. I was mad that he left me. I was mad that he replaced me. I was mad that I gave myself the chance to love him again.

I spent a week at the hospital re-adjusting. I also did some physical therapy. Cameron visited me every single day but that didn't change anything between me and him. Mya and Ginger also visited a couple of times.

Once I got home all I did was sleep and try to remember every detail of what happened that night. My phone then began to ring, I kept seeing the same unknown phone number pop up on my phone. I decided to answer to see who it was.

"Hello?" I asked as getting out of bed.

"Ana?" He began. "Its me, Lotty."

My eyes widened and I suddenly remembered being with him all that night.

"I was just checking to see if you were okay... You know after the accident." He said sounding nervous.

"What accident?" I asked confused.

"Remember that night that we were at that party? Some crazy ass bitch named Dong or some shit jumped you with 2 other girls. When I went to grab you your head hit the edge of a coffee table. I was so drunk myself that all I remember after that is bringing you home and telling you to sleep it off."

"Oh wow.... But how did you get my number."

"I don't know." He said as chuckling. "I really have no clue."

After my chat I realized that it was time for me to get revenge on this bitch. I know that it was wrong of Ginger and Mya to jump her and also for Mya to beat her up multiple times but I never had anything to do with that. So now this means war. This war couldn't be in public or in front of cameras. It had to be only my word against hers, meaning no witnesses. Dawn was going to end up in the hospital like I was, but not only her. Her little minions will too.

I got up out of my bed angry. I called Mya and Ginger and we made a plan.

Once I got to Mya's apartment she pulled out Tasers and mace. She also put on hella rings and we all dressed in all black.

Payback time bitches.

Mind BottlesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant