Didn't even realize

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"Bro , stop by the grocery store, I ain't buying that high price shit"Mark said.
I nodded my head making a right.

"Gage?'Gabe said.
"What"I said stopping at the red light.
"What ever happened to Janice?"he asked.
"Who the hell is... Oh I'll tell y'all later.
Janice, I though it would take time to get over her but ever since I laid my eyes on Essence she was one of the last things I worry about. Yea I  had love for her but she did some foul shit to me too so , I don't care.
I found a parking space and we all went our different ways.


I walked down to the refrigerators and grabbed a small fruit salad and cool whip. I don't know why but I been craving pineapples and Strawberry's ... And cool whip .

I then went and got bags of candy and a coke and I was done.
I walked upfront where I seen Mark and Gage with a shopping basket full of snacks.
"How do you plan on -"I started to say.
"Just watch and learn."Gabe said.
"Who eats Strawberry's and .... pineapples"he said smirking at me.
"Oooh pineapples "Mark said.
"Shut up" I joked.

At the movies

"What we  gon watch ?" Gage asked whispering in my ear.
"I want to watch the purge election or whatever it was called . where is the other two ?"I asked

"Stuffing their pockets with snacks. "He said smiling at me.
"You have a nice smile "I blurted out.
"You got a gorgeous smile your self"he said placing his arm over my shoulder as we walked into the theater.

"You fine" he asked.
I nodded my head looking for a seat.
"What's taking them so long ?"I asked
"They going to see another movie..  Finding dory "he said making me laugh a little bit.

We sat in the higher seats and watched the movie.



I expected her to be jumping and hiding her face , not once did she flinch if for anything she was laughing a lot more.
"You ready to go ?"I asked yawning. She nodded grabbing her drink and we left out.

I called mark and Gabe and we all met at the car.
When we got in the car everyone was slump but me cause I had to drive of course. I stopped by my sister house to drop Gabe off.
"Imma stay here too " Mark said .
"Yea let's see how long that best friend shit last. In fact my sister don't like your ass "I said laughing at him.
"Yea OK but she like this vitamin D"he say getting out shutting the door behind him.
"Yea OK "I said driving off.
"He's a fool"Essence said.
"You know it "

We pulled up to my house and made our way up the driveway.
"You enjoy your time "I said sitting next to her on the couch, "yea I had fun. Thank you " she said looking the other way.

"Ugh , Are you blushing "I asked squinting my eyes making her smile, "get out my face "she said trying to get up but I grabbed her back, giving her a small kiss but she turned into something more.
Her hands rested right around my neck as our lips were pressed together. She sat back making me think that she was going to leave.
"Good night trouble"she said sneaking a wink at me.
Was that the sweet , precious essence being naughty ?

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