Same ol' day

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I woke up with another scar from my foster dad , last night he was drunk and put his hands on me.
I walked into the bathroom and washed up with the little bit of body wash I had left. After finishing getting out I took out my school uniform that consisted of, A skirt solid collar shirt and ankle socks.I decided to wear my cardigan cause it was cold and I did not own my own coat.


Gage aka :((Trouble))
I sat outside on my balcony at six o'clock in the morning. Puffy red eyes, barley able to speak. My girl... How could I let her slip out my hands, she was a good one too. Yeah she was three years older than me but , I fucked up. I cheated on her then she was gone. I feel like I'm slowly but surly turning into my "Father". The drug selling , mental illness , cheating on woman.

I gotta change before I end up just like him. Right now that's one of my biggest concerns. I don't want to be ANYTHING like him.I wiped a stray tear that had fallen , I looked over to see a girl walking down the street in a school uniform.



It was lunch time and I sat at the lunch table observing everyone. My eyes came to a stop when I seen my so called boyfriend kissing a girl who claimed to be my friend. That's why I have no friends. I can't trust no one not even family , you know how people say family is a important title ... Well so is being friends and best friends. These are people you suppose to trust with your business, people that are suppose to help you throughout life itself. That's why I have no friends , cause I watch all these people walk around smile in each other face. Then go throw dirt on their name when they ain't around. If that is what a friend is then I don't want one at all.

The bell rang and dismissed us , lunch was my last period so I just left I was glad to go home then again I wasn't . everyday my "father " needs me to do some type of outrageous favor for him.

I got off the school bus and walked up the block towards my house...beat up house. I walked in with him sitting on the couch with papers in his hand. "Sit please"he asked after kicking my shoes off.
I sat and waited for him to speak.
"Ess , I got into some trouble at work and got laid off. You already know bills are tight so I need you to help me out...I told some guys that work for the biggest ... Never mind I can't speak no more , I'm too ashamed but know I'm doing everything out of love.

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