"Hey don't give me this ball take a shot." I said. I was kinda like coach. Pushing people to be better. She nodded and smiled at me as I shot her a smile.

She took a half court. No arch and it went in.

"Yeah." I said and gave her a high five.

She smiled.

The girl who glared at me took a shot.

I hit the ball so hard it actually went across the court and in the hoop making me hit a full court. Ok. I shrugged as the crowd cheered.

"Come on Taylor!" Her coach yelled.

Guess that girl Ellen is guarding is Taylor.

She tried to pass but Ellen dived in front of her and got the ball.

She passed it to me.

"Come on Brooks no mercy!" Coach yelled. Yup I'm known for going very hard and being very aggressive.

I nodded and bounced it between my legs behind me and around her leaving her confused. I took a step back half court.

That went in with a swish.

"Yeah!" Coach yelled.

We walked off.

"You're team just gets lucky!" Taylor yelled.

"Hey don't talk about my team." I said.

"What're you gonna do?" Taylor asked getting up in my face.

"Yo I'd rather you not because I can beat the shit out of you. Don't try me." I said.

She rolled her eyes and walked back to her team.

"Trying to stir up some shit they don't know I'll beat them up mercilessly." I said.

"Calm down that's what they want." Coach said.

"Nah I'll do it for them. Don't know why teams come in knowing I don't take the type of crap my sister does and they're doing all this shit." I said.

"Just chill Brooks. We're going on in 1 minute." Coach said.

I nodded my head and drank water and I saw Aaron come.

"Hey." Aaron said.

"Hey what're you doing here?" I asked.

"Came to see you play princess." Aaron answered smiling.

"Well bye." I said.

I walked in court with my team.

"You ready?" One girl asked.

"I'm ready to win because I don't lose. Let's go." I said.

My team was hyped up now. Yeah I'm good at that too.

The referee through the ball up and I put my whole body on that girl again and caught it making her fall.

"I'm not gonna be nice about it either." I said.

I passed it to Chloe who instantly dunked on the girl she was guarding and I gave her a high five.

The captain got the ball and she thought it'd be cool to use my moves.

Da f? She just took my moves.

I glared at her as she took a shot I hit that ball so hard it went all the way across the court for a full court and it went in.

"Come on Alexis you got this!" Justin yelled.

"I don't lose!" I yelled.

I heard Justin laugh in response as I played defense.

"Come on Brooks!" Coach yelled. The girl tried to pass it but I blocked it. But I made sure not to hit it to hard so my teammates can get involved in the game. You know who hasn't touched the ball? Crystal.

I passed it to her and her eyes widened as she stared at the ball.

"Come on Crystal! You got nice handles!" I yelled.

The girl who was guarding her smirked as Crystal was just beyond shock that I passed it to her.

She dribbled the ball normally then holy shit she started pulling all these tricks. She bounced it between her legs repeatedly behind her back so many times around the girl and went in for the lay up scoring two points.

I told you she had good handles.

When she scored her eyes lit up.
We ended up crushing 102-0. Yeah so maybe we didn't let them score at all. Look I told you I don't play nice.

"Damn you don't know how to play nice. You just put your whole body on that girl to get the ball." Justin said.

"I told her I don't lose and I wasn't gonna be nice about winning so I didn't let them get no shots." I said shrugging.

Alexa laughed.

"Killer defense though." Alexa said bro hugging me.

"Hey Justin you ready. We the Brooks. We have a sport we do best? You gonna win tomorrow?" Dad asked smiling.

"I'm not heartless like Alexis my nick name is nice Justin for the record. Some of those ninth graders are way bigger than me." Justin said.

"Some of those ninth graders are way bigger than me. Who cares? You're gonna win and you better not make me make a fool of my self to get you to play good." I said sternly.

"Damn. Are you the coach?" Justin asked.

I laughed.

"Imma be more than the coach if you don't play good tomorrow." I said.

Justin chuckled messed up my hair and bro hugged me.

"Damn you guys don't do actual hugs anymore. Well Alex bring it in bruh." Mom said smiling.

They were acting like they were gonna do a real hug but they did a bro hug.

"Hey did you see that trash talk?" Dad asked me.

"Yeah from Russell's son. I have to play against him again. Scary Friday for me." Alexa said.

"That's not a scary Friday. What's gonna be even more scarier is if I catch you on the field with your hands shaking like your doing jazz hands." I said making Alexa chuckle.

"Well nice job Alexis. Played really mean today." Alexa said smiling.

"You almost got into a fight with that girl though." Aubrey said and I laughed.

"Yeah I'm not exactly the best person to put up with what girls do off court and on court. But Alexa is." I said smiling at Alexa.

"Alexa just stands there looking scared but she will play hard." Jason said.

"I'm not scared. I'm nervous." I defended making Jason laugh. If only my family had these moments very often.

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