Don't Look Back- Chapter 35

Start from the beginning

We where just walking over to the table when all of a sudden Shane stopped talking. Confused, I turned toward Jessica, she was staring toward the door of the cafeteria. That's when I noticed everyone in the cafeteria was quiet. I turned around to the door and almost dropped my lunch. I set it down on the nearest table and ran over to the door.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him out of breath.

“I had to pick up some things and just felt like seeing you , and the idiots.” he said nodding his head to Shane and Jessica. I laughed and that's when I noticed how quiet it was in the room. I turned my head around a bit and saw that everyone was looking at us. Including the teachers. Nosy people. I pulled Justin out of the cafeteria and shut the door behind us.

"Now, did you really want to see me or is there something you want?" I asked Justin while crossing my arms across my chest. He smiled at me before taking my good hand in his.

“Why, can't I just stop by to see you without wanting anything?” I rolled my eyes at his over innocent tone of voice.

“Justin, I know you.”

“I don't want anything, just came to tell you something.” I let out a breathy sigh and waited for him to continue. “But I do know your little secret.” he smiled devilishly at me. I toyed around with my necklace waiting for him to continue. I noticed that it was becoming my nervous habit. Justin did too because he smiled even brighter. This was not a good feeling.

“I know my sister wants you to watch me after school.” I froze, how did he know?! “And as your punishment for not telling me, your staying the night.”

“How is that punishment?” I asked him skeptically.

“We're watching whatever movie I want and you can't sleep till I say so.” I dropped my hands and stared at him speechless.

“But we have school tomorrow!” I protested. He grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, waiting for him to talk.

“So, it's only a half day and I know you don't mind it.” he kissed my lips lightly and tried to pull away from me. I pulled his head back closer to mine and kissed him. I blushed, I don't know what made me do that.

“See, you wont mind at all.” he pulled away from me and walked away from me. Slowly, I walked back to the cafeteria and made my way over to my seat and sat down.

“What did he want?” Jessica asked me with a mouth full of food. I rolled my eyes at her and touched my lips softly.

“I got in trouble.” I sighed tapping my fingers on the table. Shane laughed  and slapped my arm.

“He found out Jenifer wanted you to babysit him didn't he?” I narrowed my eyes at him. How did he know that? I gasped and slapped his arm, hard.

“You told him, you jerk!” I hit him again. “How did you find out?” Jessica shrank away a little bit. I suddenly got the perfect idea.

“You guys will pay for this. Trust me.” with that the bell rang and I walked away.

-------------------- --------------------------------

“If you don't stop I’m going to kick you!” I whisper to Justin harshly. I was already mad at him and he was making it worse.

Right now we were watching a movie. We were watching the scariest movie of all time in my opinion. I bought it when I was younger and haven't seen it since then.


I don't know how Justin knew I hated that movie. No one but my parents and Jessica knew I disliked it. Justin’s seen the movie before so every time something happened he'd either lightly touch me to make think something was crawling on me or squeak this horn in my ear. It was getting really annoying.

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