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The leader asked about their qualifications. The one who spoke the last was asked to reply ro the question first.

Lora took her time to realize that the leader was talking about her.

"I actually don't have any qualification's. It's just because of the other two I was able to cross the forest and reach here. I just wanted to work here...";

The smile in the leader later turned to a thinking expression.

"Well I can handle out paper works like files and stuffs. I am good at that...";

"Very well"; the leader said and called out a man

The man entered in.

"Hand over all the files and document's and everything we have to Miss Crizel. Hand over anything she ask's for";

Lora was confused. She knew that how much the leader and those people are trusting and giving up the information so easily that much more tough it would be to betray and leave.

Lora stood up and followed the waiting man. She looked back at leader.

"Don't you worry. If you have any problem just come over to me";

Lora nodded and left with the man. She was taken to a cabin where a stocks of files were bought to her.

Lora was yet in her thought's. All the recent past moments with the leader flashed in front of her.

"Here"; the man said pointing towards the file.

Lora moved towards the table and opened up the top most file. The thought's that were moving in her head, the flashing and stuffs all went away.

The file's contained all the information she required. Lora got focus.

She asked for all the files and paper and everything that the headquarter's possed, old, new, burned, torn whatever it may have

The man nooded and left. Soon the cabin was turned to a store room with loads of paperworks and files. Lora wasn't sitting on the chair rather she was on the ground surrounded with files.

It was the night time. The leader stood up and switched off the lights. He was about to leave when the beautiful scene coming from his window called out to him. He moved back on his chair and relaxed himself with the beautifull full moon. The day's tiredness had all went away.

He later stood and left from his cabin to enter to the hallway of darkness and emptiness. Everyone had left from the office.

He was enjoying the silence and darkness when he noticed something disturbing the darkness of the place. Some amount of light was coming from somewhere. He moved in that direction and found the light coming out through a cabin in which the new yound lady was busy engrossed in the files.

He tried different ways to get the girl's attention but none worked.
He opened uo the door and entered in. He moved towards the girl and had a seat beside her.

The girl yet didn't realize anyone's presence around.

"That's a very intresting case you are reading";

"Yes it is surely"; she replied yet engrossed.

The file was taken away from her hands which made her come out of her engrossed reading and she shouted at the snatcher with rage.
She realized that the person was the leader and apologied.

The leader acceoted her apology.

"I do like to see people's dedication over their work but no one's allowed to work so late in my office",

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't stop myself from reading";

"Well you may take your leave now";

Hearing that made Lora bit startled. She wanted to read more. She tried to convince him but the leader had no intrest of letting her stay for any longer. Lora had to eventually give up.

She stood uo and was leaving when the leader made her halt.

"You are not even allowed to carry any kind of work at home";

Lora was actually gonna try convincing that she didn't had anything along. She turned back to face the leader but his expression didn't allow Lora to lie. There wasn't any sign of doubt rather he guaranteed that the girl had filws along with her.

Lora remembered how sharp eyes the leader had.
She didn't argue even a single bit and handed over the file. The leader was a shocked cause he was expecting another arguement.

The girl took her leave from the cabin eventually with no files.


THE ADVENTURES OF THE MAGICAL LAND- PART TWO #Wattys2017Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora