daughter of hell 39

Start from the beginning

I get along really well with this guy Marcus. Although I don't get what he's doing here. I didn't need my empathic ability to know he was one of the good guys. Speeking of empathic abilities. My dad gave me this wicked old ring with an onyx stone in it. It's pure magic and it represses my emotions. For the first time in years and I can wake up without the fear of my and other peoples turbulent emotion srewing me up. I haven't had a lapse of control for two months now, it feels amazing. No more burning sensation of fucking angelwapens ripping through my skin. No more contempt from others. They either love or fear me and it feels amazing. I get nothing but respect and my dad... he loves me. It feels strange, but really good to be loved, unconditionally. I mean who had thought the hottest place to exist, the place were all the scum of the world gathere would be'

The door flew open and a very angry Luci marched in. I quickly hid the diary I was reading. I didn't know why I bothered to hide it, seeing how pissed of she was I figured she already knew. Damn. But the high-spirited redhead surprised me again. Instead of killing me she stomped towards her closet and started rummaging in it. Her being bend over her closet gave me a very nice view of that nice little ass. Damn, I hated the little skirt she wore when all the guys ogled her assets, but when it was just me; I loved it.

"Stop staring at my but and clean up your trash."

Wow, she sounded pissed, but not at me. This was a nice change.

"Damnit!" She swore.

"Can't you guys at least keep all your rubbish on you own side of the room?! I can't find a fucking thing in this mess."

A very dangerous looking mighty pointy shoe was hurled at me.

"You do know that the whole staking a vampire thing is just a myth. We don't die when you pierce our heart with a high heel."

"Like I'd waist my beautiful shoes on you. I'd hate for them to go all dusty."


"Like I care."

A black blade missed my face with not even an inch.

"Watch that!"

"So, do you undead creatures reflect in mirrors?" I heard her ask from withing the closet.

"Wait, don't answer that! I've seen you guys busy with your hair in front of a mirror."

"Found what you were looking for?" I asked, a bit insulted that she thought I looked in the mirror too often. I didn't, it was more Vic's thing.

"And you know that's more Vic's thing. You probably got us confused."

Me and Vic were identical twins, making Vic the oldest by only five minutes.

"Nah, I think I know the difference. You two are nothing alike."

And that secretly pleased me. She noticed me enough to not mistake me with my brother. "Do you burn when I hold a crucifixes against your bare flesh?"

I laughed at that ridiculous question.

"No, but I know a couple of other things that I'd like to have touching my bare skin. Your hands for exemple."

"Keep dreaming." She muttered.

"No, than I would have said your lips."

Another shoe flew in my direction.

"I can stand the sun, so I don't know why you thought a stake would kill me."

"I was joking, you moron. I actually had lots of very boring, wasted time of my life that I will never get back, classes about vampires."

"Ah, to know you allies."

A very unfemale snort left her lips.

"More like know your enemies. You are a fool if you think those stuck-up angels will ever accept you."

"You are not much of a 'fight-for-your-own-species-kind-of-girl', are you?"

"They haven't done anything to deserve that from me. If you ever need some help with beating up a couple of the suckers, I'd gladly give you a hand. Same goes for the vampires who need a beating."

"I think I can handle myself."

"Whatever you believe, dollface."

I gasped. Did she just call me dollface?

"What the hell, Luci? You kind call a guy dollface."

"Why not?"

By Nyx, she was impossible.

"You just don't."

"Whatever you want, sweetcheeks."

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