Don't Look Back- Chapter 34

Start from the beginning

The nurse that was hooking him up and checking his vitals was about to walk out when she saw me. She held up her hand to stop me from walking in any further.

“Only family members are allowed to visit right now.” she scolds me looking me up and down. Great, now I wasn't going to be able to see him! Jenifer moved her left hand, and that's when I got what she meant.

I held my left hand out for the nurse to see and wiggled my fingers.

“I'm his fiance.” I whispered, hoping she'd believe me. She looked over to Jenifer for conformation and Jenifer nodded. The nurse walked out of the room and shut the door behind her. Slowly, I walked over to Justin.

He had an I.V in his arm and multiple machines hooked up to him. He had tubes in his nose to help him breath. A few tears spilled over my eyes as I grabbed onto his hand.

“This is all my fault.” I whispered to him softly, still crying. “Please wake up. I need you to wake up.” I grabbed a chair and pulled it up behind me so I could sit down. Now I knew what he felt like when I was in the hospital.

~ 5 day's later ~

Thursday, October 8. Otherwise known as the worst birthday of my life. Justin’s still in the hospital and so far, there wasn't anything new. The police questioned me about what happened and then I found out that Mr. Daniels got away. I should have expected that though. The police didn't have any leads as to where he was.

I spent two days at the hospital without going to school. I would be there now but Jessica’s mother came back and made me go to school. I slept there though. That's how I spent all my free time. Straight after school I go visit Justin. Even if he's in a coma.

Right now I was at school getting the books out of my locker. Only two more hours till I could leave. I shut my locker and was beginning to walk to my class when I heard my name being called. I turned around and saw Chase standing there along with Aimee.

“What do you want?” I ask them bitterly. I was not in the mood to deal with them.

“A few things actually. One was to wish you a happy birthday.” I glare at Chase, knowing that's not really what he wants. “Oh! Where's Justin at? He should be with you for your birthday. Wait I forgot, he got shot by your crazy stalker!” Aimee taunts me with an evil smile and nasty laugh.

I ball my hand into a tight fist and take a small step closer to them. Chase laughs and then begins to speak up again.

“I bet Mr. Daniels wasn't stalking you. You were probably having an affair with him and then went to Justin.” that's when I snapped.

“Go to hell both of you! Chase just so you know, I would never have an affair with a teacher, let alone a physco one! And who the hell are you to talk about cheating when you've been cheating on me ever since we first got together!” I’m out of breath from yelling and my face is probably a little red.

“Please, you act like it wasn't obvious!” Aimee decides to chime in. “Anyway, I bet you where cheating on Chase since the first time you met Justin.”

She technically doesn't know how right she is. I look away from her quickly so she doesn't see me blush.

“Wait. You did didn't you?” she asks me with a snort. “I knew it! You little whore!”

“It's not like we had sex, we kissed twice and that's it.” I don't even know why I told her that. Chase walked till he was in front of me. Now I was scared.

“Looks like you don't have a right to call me a cheater now do you Alexa?” Chase threatens me. I stand my ground and smile at him.

“Best thing I ever did. If I wouldn't have kissed him I would have never found out about you and where would that lead me? Oh that's right, probably raped and abused.” I spit at him.

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