twenty eight - 12:51am

Start from the beginning

"━I'll be fine," Jacob mentions sternly, passing by his best friend and flicks the light switch, that his bedroom is dark. The only lights are his alarm clock, the blue led lights of his speakers, and his television he never turns off, unless he's going back to the university. "Let's just go already."

Except when he feels like it, Jacob doesn't really like staying in bed when he's not in a perfect condition━most likely, when he catch a cold. He considers that as being weak, and he dislike it when he's weak, under any circumstances. He would even pull an IV out of his arm whenever he ends up in a hospital. There's something about him that refuse for others to see him as a burden. Though, in reality, he's nowhere near a burden.

As Jacob close his bedroom door, his phone noised a text tone. It was a message from Alessia that appeared on his lock screen. Why he got a feeling that she'll ask about the party he's about to arrive?

strawberry bubblegum (12:54am): so i heard that you're coming to this party. you sure?

'yeah babe. i'm positive about this.' Actually feeling obnoxious about that question, Jacob sent the message.

"Why the fuck everyone keeps telling me not to?" Jacob mutters inaudibly to himself. One of the last things he prefer is having people telling what and what not to do. Typical.

His nose still is red, his voice is still trapped in a hoarse, and he's feeling a bit dizzy in the head. But still, Jacob believes that it's not all that bad, as people thinks. He think it'll be over after he comes back from the party, or after he sleeps.

"Y'know it's very pointless of you going out at this time of night," his adoptive mother called him out as him and Rayan was about to open the door.

With one of his expression of confusion, Jacob turned his head and glared at her, debating should he say anything or just leave out of the house already, as he's looking at her like she's crazy.

"I go out later than this and I don't see why you're just noticing," Jacob had to counter back, calmly, though he sounded kinda like a wimp with his hoarse.

"Alright, fuck it. Since you think that you can get away with anything, if you end up feeling worse between now and then, I am not making any trips to a hospital," the petite, melanin woman points at Jacob in an angrily manner, matching up with her irate demeanor. "With yo ungrateful ass."

"It's not like I needed you anyway," Jacob backtalks again, after shifting his eyes left and right in bemuse. He seems pretty chilled about this now because either he's about to leave, or he's just used to his mom getting at him and there's point of being too fazed. Even though, he would still be pissed.

"Fuck you, Jacob!" she practically yelled, raised up her hands to signify that she's done. Then, she begins to walk away. "If I smell weeds that ten times stronger when you get back, I'm kickin' yo ass out! I'm not bullshiting this time!"

"Okay, shit, it's great that you're not!" Jacob spoke louder, despite his terrible hoarse. "I didn't really asked to be raised by you anyway, bitch."

Even she had strong listening skills when Jacob mutter his vulgar under his breath, or Jacob seem to spoke a little less louder, his adopter mom scurried to his direction, practically stomping off as she's getting closer to Jacob. In a threatening way as her demeanor still hasn't changed, she grasped her fingers to a fist and raised it in front of him. More like she's about to punch him.

Of course this isn't the first that she's hit or yearning to hit him. He's over eighteen of age now so this ain't really child abuse. But even since Jacob became reckless, which he was about fifteen-years-old, she's been too hard on him. His adoptive father as well, but not too extreme like her. The meaning of extreme is like calling him names or other things as if he's not their son. Jacob defend himself when they get into another loud, argument, but no, he always turn down on laying a hand on her.

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