daughter of hell 33

Start from the beginning

I listened how he counted to five, not bothering to interupt him. When my dad started a tirade, you couldn't get a word in edgeways.

"Five. That's it! I am comming to get you."

I heard him curse.

"That better not be fool words, old man." I teased.

"Cause else you are the biggest hypocrite alive."

My dad thought it to be improper for a yound lady to curse. Absurd with him being the devil and all.

"Why can't I matirialize?"

I bit my lip neverously. Good thing he couldn't matirialize, cause if he could he'd have my head for not telling him.

"I didn't tell you?" I asked trying to sound innocent.

"I have no idea what you're going to say, but I'm pretty sure I am not going to like it and that you haven't told it to me for a stupid reason that will only make sense to you. Now, don't test my patience, Lucifer."

Wow, that was a mouthfull.

"Why shouldn't I test your patience?" I questioned him.

"Because you won't like the consequence. Stop beating about the bush."

"I think that if I ever were going to test your patience, today would be the best day." I said, ignoring my the devil's threats.

"Cause how are you going to make me dal with the consequence whit Mr. Cocky neutralizes all demonpowers?"

"Lucifer." He said in a low threatening voice.

"Who is Mr. Cocky."

"Mother didn't tell you she made me room with Sethan Damorian?"

"The vampire prince?!" My dad yelled.

What was up with the yelling today.

"Unless he got a cerealbox named after him... Of course I mean the freaking vampire prince!"

"Language." I groaned, this was getting old.

"Please tell me he doesn't know you're a demon."

"That's the first thing I told him when finding out he had fangs."

"I take that as a no."

The tone in my dad's voice made me cool down a bit. He sounded really worried.

"He thinks I'm an angel."

I heard my dad scoff. Not too upset to see the irony of my words.

"Is he blind?" My dad laughed.

"Do you know how far his powers reach?"

Back to business.

"Far enough to make me to have to walk a couple of miles. I checked it when I came to Hell to talk to Marcus. How did his litlle tête-à-tête went with the Fates?"

My dad ignored my last question.

"You knew that he was a vampire and didn't tell me?!"

And we were back in anger mode.

"I didn't know back then he was an ugly leech. I thought he was one of those rare gifte humans. Didn't think I should fear a human."

"I hope you are being sensible and fearing him as a vampire. Especially since you can't use your powers."

"Relax. I still got the angel mojo. I can handle him if needs arise."

"Like how you handled him when he broke your arm?"

"This conversation is so over. Talk to you soon. Bye dad."

"Be careful and come home as soon as you can!"

"Sorry, no can do. Mother's deal still hold and I be damned before I move in with her again."

I disconnected the line.

"Hey, Luce."

Nate popped his head in my room.

"We're going to be late for class. Let's get a move on or you'll double your detention."

"Shouldn't I be excused for a broken wrist, or something."

Nate laughed.

"Sure, but then we'd have to actaully break your wrist, cause there's no way the vice-principal isn't going to check up on you. If only to see if you aren't lying."

"Good thing we have Seth then, huh."

Nate who had already left the room came back in with a frown on his face. It didn't look good on him, unlike Mr. Cocky who looked like he was born with a frown.

"Your joking, righ?"

His eyes zoomed in on my limp arm.

In one blink he stood before me and had me pulled in his arms. His tender fingers pressed lighty on my wrist. He cursed under his breath.

"Son of a bitch. This isn't broken, Luce. This is crushed. I am going to kill him."

I laughed at that.

"You're going to kill your prince? Damn, let me take my camera."

"How can laugh when you got your freaking bones crushed?"

I shrugged.

"I'm not that weak. It'll be healed in a couple of hours."

Nate started to shake his head.

"Plus, it gave me reason to yell at him and make him feel bad. I am fully plaining on using this against him for the next couple of days. I can make him suffer, and he won't have a leg to stand on."

I smiled broadly. This was going to be a great day.

Nate started smiling too.

"Leave it up to you to come up with such a crazy idea."

He threw an arm over my shoulder, hugging me close.

"You truly are insane. I like that."

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