Chapter Two: I want her to trust me...

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I tried to pull my thoughts together but it was useless I would be thinking about Brooke all day now.                                       “Blake!” I heard an overly cheerful voice from behind me call out.

I already knew who it was and I did NOT want to speak with her, didn’t she get my message earlier? I turned around to see Lauren. I couldn’t care less on what she wanted.                                                                                                                                             

“I was thinking that maybe you should have a party tonight,” Lauren said excitedly trying to reach my lips.

I pushed her away easily sighing that she didn’t get the message.                                                                                                            

“Okay on one condition...” I said bored not wanting to throw a party but what else could I do?

Lauren nodded giving me one of her seductive smiles.                                                                                                                                  

“Do not ever, ever try to kiss me again.” I growled before storming off.

[Anthony’s POV]:

I sat down next to Brooke and pulled her closer. I had a feeling that she wouldn’t want to talk anytime soon so I looked at the football players practicing. We now where sitting at the oval which was far away from the cafeteria since I thought It would be a better place to try and get Brooke to open up to me. I felt a cold rain drop land on the side of my cheek, rain perfect. I extended my jacket to cover half of Brooke’s body.                                                                                                   

“ Thanks...” She mumbled burying her head into my shoulder blade.                                                                                                              

“When you said that I wouldn’t have a partner in class earlier... Did you mean that you were going to kill yourself?” I asked trying to sound strong but I could tell my voice was shaky.                                                                                             

“I still am going to.” Brooke answered like it was no big deal.                                                                                                                              

“Just tell me one thing... Why?” I whispered not being able to speak any louder.

I felt Brookes body tense as if she didn’t want to tell me anything. But I needed to know why so that I could help her I could see her living her life far and happy but I needed to help her threw whatever was causing her to think like this. I always wanted to know why people hate her so much, Brooke is actually very beautiful and I have seen that she has a very nice personality. If people would just try to get to know her I’m sure they would find out so much.

I grabbed her hand and kissed it lightly not wanting to alarm her or anything.                                                                                     

“I guess... I guess I have nothing to live for.” Brooke suddenly spoke so quietly that it took me off guard.

                                “How can you be so sure?” I asked leaning my head on hers.

                “I have no real parents. My foster parents abuse me every second of the day that I’m there. I have no friends, no one that I can go two when everything gets tough. No one who loves me,” She mumbled painfully as she told me things that she probably has never said to anyone.                                                                                                                                                                      

“I’m your friend, and you can always come to me,” I said pulling her into a hug to show her that I truly did care.      

I couldn’t see Brooke’s face but I could hear the sound of her crying. I wasn’t about to let her go and hurt herself anymore. I would always be here for her no matter what she wanted...


Sorry if you thought it was to boring or you just didn't like it I have lots on my mind so I don't really know how to connect with my characters. Tell me if its okay please though :]    [smile.or.die] Andy

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