Chapter 59

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All my nightmares have ever known is Kylo Ren, and what is capable of or what he has done. However, it is not he who haunts me now.

I am alone walking through the darkness. I see a single light shining to the side of the path I'm on. Poe is pacing across the grass. I try to step from the road but I can't. There is a cliff and I can't reach him before he slips from the edge of a precipice, falling into the abyss.
My feet keep me walking down the path. I see Rey standing at a cross intersection, as I approach her she turns from me and walks down a different road, to follow the old Jedi ways.
I step further down the road and see a stall, I walk up to it, about to ask for help out of this place when I notice the display of BB-8 completely dismantled, his pieces and hard drives scattered for sale.
The man in the store lightly shakes my shoulder in encouragement. I open my mouth to speak to him but can't form any words. I feel my shoulder shake again and this time I wake from my heavy slumber.
My eyes adjust to the dim light and see Luke looming above me. I move to sit up and my leg cramps, so I end up staying slanted and gazing up at him.

"You've been out of it for a while,"

"Are Rey and Poe okay?" I immediately ask, and he nods once. "How long is a while?"

"10 hours," my lips part in shock, I look around the room frantically, trying to find the nearest exit to find them. "Stop," he presses my shoulder back against the chair. Then I notice the two occupied beds and the rhythmical beeping of many machines. "Rey has a few broken ribs which punctured lung but they were able to operate, she's stable," he points to the right bed. I'm too slouched down to see her face but I know it's her. I sigh.

"What about Poe?" Luke's stoic expression wavers slightly.

"He's critical," my ease over Rey's condition drops away at the words.

"What happened?" I look at the other bed observing the increase of machines, more monitors and more wires.

"The steal punctured his spinal cord."
I am curious as to why Luke is retelling these messages to me, but I assume he was seeing Rey.

"Why didn't he eject from the cockpit? He would have been okay..." I mumble half to myself.

"The connections were lodged, he tried but they didn't release," I stay silent, an unease that I think I witnessed the tampering occur eats at me. I remembering how I watched Koden tighten parts of the cockpit, Poe would never have realised until he needed to use it.

We are silent for a long moment, Luke looks in the distance, and I relive what happened on the battlefield. I attempt to make sense of everything, but one thing in particular stands out.

"Luke," I request his attention and he waits for me to continue, "How did you know you had the Force?"

"It was always a part of me, in my blood so to speak, it isn't something that you can know; it just is."

"Do I have it?" I whisper, restraining the hope that Rey and I could be similar.

He laughs to himself, not in a mocking manner though, and shakes his head, "Sorry to disappoint you, Finn, but no."

"It felt like I did, while I was fighting against the knights, it was unlike anything I've experienced. What else could it be?" I ask, searching his expressionless features.

"I think you'll find the answer is in your hands," I look down and notice how I still hold Rey's saber.

I look at the detailing on the hilt. I start at the top, the metal is shining silver and a thick band of it has no markings, but a bit further down I see two deep grooves that criss-cross over each other, creating small circles all the way around. In the middle of the saber is a strip of black metal with no markings at all. I look down at the next etching which is a series of a few lines running parallel and around the entire saber. The metal fades to a dull gray with small markings and swirls which wrap around the bottom of it. I look back up at Luke, then back down. For the first time I see a glimmer of a smile in his eyes.

"I don't understand," I admit. It's beautiful, but I don't see how this would explain anything.

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