Ch. 77 Time Flies When Your Life Is In Mortal Danger!

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It was silent.

The whole school was silent.

Maybe not in noise. But in actions.

Nothing much happened.

Wake up, classes, classes, sleep.

Everyone was on this schedule, not really changing a thing. It all flowed smoothly, as if the whole castle was watching with bated breath.

But the Bonded kept close watch. Rage filled their Visions. Planning and destroying. Men walked through dark halls with their hands on the hilt of their wands. Women cradled their children to them, muttering prayers as sounds of a fight echoed below. It was as if everyone knew something big was coming.

Being Bonded had it's advantages. But both Harry and Ginny agreed it put them in terrible danger.

By the time of the third task, Harry could barely stand to be without Ginny. She was his only source of comfort, hiding him away from the Visions he had every night. Her's were worse, but she never told him. He knew she passed out cold in classes, waking up with a cold sweat as she recalled the images.

Katrin was as silent as ever, only pausing in the hall to smile softly at Ginny, or nod a greeting towards Harry. Her brother had been taken into custody just weeks before. Imperious curse and other potions that even Snape couldn't name were flowing through his blood stream. He was charged with attempted murder, and was to go to trial in a few days. Though, pretty much everyone knew he wouldn't go anywhere. He did nothing wrong, really, besides being under Imperious.

Chimp man didn't make many moves. The two barely had Visions of him, sitting in a large leather chair and writing on sheets of paper. Ginny was glad she didn't have to go through the Dreams anymore, because she would have gone insane in a short amount of time. Especially if he really tortured her.

But the two didn't want to think of that.

The Third Task. It was in a mere twenty four hours and Harry's heart was already beating out of his chest. Ginny sat next to him, her head on his shoulder, rubbing circles on the back of his hand in hoped to sooth his nerves. Ron stood silently by the fire, eyes dancing with tension.

It really was everyone in the castle that felt the distress, not just the Bonded. They hadn't been assigned homework in days. Most kids would love that, but after a while, everyone started to notice how the teachers were slacking.

Classes were cancelled, exams cancelled, and the castle was silent. The teachers had stress lines down their faces, and the Bonded never left each other's side. This, almost everyone noticed. And they knew what it meant.

The only teacher who didn't worry was Moody, and that was because a cheerful joy had spread throughout him. He acted like everything was about to become right for once.

Hermione wasn't even studying. Instead she looked out the window with wide eyes, as if keeping guard. She wrung her hands frequently, biting her lip as she tried not to break the mute blankness that was all around the Common Room.

Harry didn't put his arms around Ginny like normal. He'd probably snap her out of her intense daydreaming.

Well, not really daydreaming. It was more like she was searching through their memories in hopes of figuring something out.

The door opened.

He walked in.

Cain Boyle stood before them and Harry got a good look at him for the first time since they'd 'met'.

Cain was tall, with defined jaw bones and green eyes. Handsome, Harry supposed, to a girl. He wore jeans and a vest over a dark shirt. His hands were folded behind his back. Brown hair as untamed as Harry's now stood pretty much to a point. As if he'd been running his fingers through the it.

"Aren't you-" Ron started, but Cain put up a hand to stop him and coughed slightly.

"No need for questions. I was released after Vertiserum. Now, I need you to listen to me." The boy said levelly, his eyes dark.

He went on to explain everything. Slipping potions into Ginny's drink, kidnapping Katrin when she tried to confront him, and breaking the girl out. And finally, with a pale face, he started on how he was cursed.

"I was here. In Hogwarts. They-" the door opened and Neville walked in. Trailing behind him was Katrin, her face ashen as she looked her brother over. She opened her mouth, ready to say something, but all that came out was a slight whimper.

"Cain... You're back..." Then her eyes unfocused and she glanced between Harry and Ginny.





Finally she sighed, looking up to where her brother stood awkwardly. "I need to talk to you. It's... It's about..." Her lips pressed together and she glanced from one face to another, finally tearing her gaze away from one of the Bonded and towards Cain. "Y'know..." But clearly Cain didn't know, as he stood silently, eyebrows together, "him." She muttered, so that she thought only Cain could hear her. Instead Ginny and Harry both caught the word and exchanged a look.

"Ah," Cain mumbled, smoothing out his vest. "I'll continue this conversation later." And they left, hands locked together and pale faces.

Harry and Ginny were silent, instead gazing at each other as they wondered.

Who is him?

Short chapter, I know, but this book is almost over! Next chapter is the last one!! I'm soooo excited! Also, the third book's cover is right here. Spiffed up and ready:

And that's pretty much it! Hope you guys enjoyed! Tell me who you think him is and what will end up happening

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And that's pretty much it! Hope you guys enjoyed! Tell me who you think him is and what will end up happening. Next chapter will probably end up being pretty long, that's why I put a filler last chapter. Also, the book was getting a little bit too dark 😝. My friends have started saying I don't have a soul, so I thought I'd go ahead and show them that I can be nice to my characters.


So yeah. Hope you enjoyed!

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