Ch. 53 You Again...

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More plot for you guys 😊. You can blame my love for Halsey for this chapter, because I've been listening to one of her songs on repeat and it gave me an idea. The song is both above and below. I felt like surprising you guys with another chapter today!.... Also kiasmias promised me a cookie if I uploaded.

When Ginny opened her eyes, she expected to feel Harry's comforting warmth from beside her. Instead, she was cold and alone.

The sun wasn't out, which was good because that meant they might be able to sneak back to the castle, but Ginny somehow felt something was out of place.

She stood, glancing around for Harry. He wasn't there, and it felt like his emotions were blocked off from her, so she assumed he'd gone back to the castle. But deep in her mind she knew he wouldn't have left her out there alone, not at night, and not without her knowing.

Ginny crawled out of the small clearing, heading back towards the castle with sure steps. The cold air bit her arms and stung her eyes as she practically ran. She felt like a little girl, running from the darkness in hopes that the light would keep her safe.

Story of my life. She thought sarcastically, crossing her arms and shivering. Suddenly, she wished she'd worn a longer sleeved shirt.

The castle looked dark ahead of her, not at all like she knew it to be. There was no light at all, and the usual warmth was gone. It was cold and abandoned. Ginny's heart stopped when she saw the chunks missing from its walls, debris scattered everywhere. She knew it was a dream, but it still hurt to see this castle destroyed.

Swallowing the lump of terror forming in her throat, Ginny took determined steps towards the doors. This was a dream. They couldn't hurt her in a dream, and she knew that she wouldn't wake up if she didn't get it over with. But somehow, she also knew that they could hurt her. They could scar her, both emotionally and physically.

When she opened the doors, Ginny expected to see broken hallways and chunks of rock, which were there, but they were overpowered by everything else.

A stench filled the air and Ginny choked back tears as she stumbled through the halls. Limbs seemed to grab at her ankles as she tried to avoid stepping on them, tried to avoid looking into their eyes.

Finally passing into where the main stairwell was, Ginny glanced around, still breathing through her mouth in hopes to dampen the odor. She tried not to look at the red on the floor.

A short ways away, Ginny saw a square of light on the floor. Curious, she took a step towards it, then thought better. She stood and waited.

Smart girl

Panic tore at Ginny's heart as she whirled towards the voice. Subconsciously taking a few steps back. There was no one there, just complete darkness, like someone had suddenly flipped a switch.

Summoning all of her might, Ginny glared into the corridor. "Where are you?" The calm tone of her voice surprised her, considering she had to keep her knees locked so her legs wouldn't tremble.

Over here The voice said it casually, almost like it was obvious. Ginny glanced around, but saw nothing. Wait, here. And that's when he stepped into her line of sight, a shadow covering his face as he kept his hands locked behind his back beside the square of light.

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