Ch. 56 Comforting an Angel

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Another very short chapter, since the next one is going to be EXTREMELY long. Has some confusion in it, reread and if you don't understand. It'll come to you!

A lump had formed in Harry's chest. It was uncomfortable, painful, and didn't help his mood. All day long he'd been thinking about two things, the First Task, and Ginny. Both of those topics made him feel worry, even slight guilt. Neither would get out of his head, to the point that he started blocking Ginny off so she couldn't wiggle into his mind fully.

He sat beside the Lake, where he had taken Ginny for their first real date, twisting his hands and staring at the sky. Quidditch was one of his calming hobbies, so watching the goal posts raise high above the canopy of trees was relaxing. Banners flew in the air and he watched them ripple at the ends with each gale. The strong winds even reached him where he sat in solitude behind the trees.

But no matter how much he tried to force the beautiful redhead out of his mind, Harry couldn't stop thinking about her. He was worried. Worried about their relationship. To others around them, it seemed to be normal, and it might even to Ginny. But to Harry, guilt burrowed in his chest as he thought about it. He had to tell her, or his heart would cave.

But if he talked to her, told her, about it... he was afraid it'd ruin their relationship. He knew it would ruin their relationship. He'd only realized he'd have to tell her days before, while they were sitting in the Common Room doing homework.

Harry brought his knees to his chest and placed his forehead on them, groaning at his predicament. There was no telling how she'd react, whether with yelling or tears, and he was afraid.

A few moments later, Ginny walked into the clearing, wearing jeans and a blue jumper, one that he knew was actually his. She smiled softly at him and his heart fluttered, forcing a smile at her. After another quick glance at her attire, Harry motioned for her to come sit. She did so, her back against his chest as they stared at the Quidditch Pitch together.

Another flicker filled Harry's chest, making him suddenly feel quite nervous. Ginny turned to him, feeling his anxiety through the Bond. He didn't meet her eyes, but smiled as softly as he could though it looked forced. It just made him feel more guilty as he saw her.

"Harry, are you okay?" She asked, turning to look at him with her eyes he loved. Crystallized chocolate, swirling with gold and amber, all staring at him with heat and intensity that made his breathing pitch, then even with relaxation.

"I'm fine, just nervous about tomorrow, that's all." Harry's eyebrows scrunched together, and Ginny softly placed her finger where they met and smoothed his forehead out. Harry kissed her, and another emotion pushed every other emotion out. Harry cursed it, because it was the cause of all these problems within him. All of his indecision and guilt.

After moments, she pulled away with a sigh, narrowing her eyes slightly as she read his emotions. Harry covered the feelings he had with nervousness, which wasn't hard. After a second, Ginny huffed and turned to fully face him.

"Harry, whatever happens, we'll be okay."

Harry hoped she was right.

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