Ch. 28 Quidditch World Cup (Long Chapter)

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Long chapter for you guys!

The sunlight was nearly blinding as Harry woke up in his cot beside Ron's bed. An intense feeling of longing engulfed him and pain shot through his heart. He quickly sent his emotions to Ginny and heard quiet footsteps rush to his room. She looked miserable as they stumbled closer to each other.

The feeling was replaced by pure happiness as he engulfed her in his arms. Suddenly, that day couldn't have gotten any better. Then he realized what was happening.

"We have to get out of here!" He exclaimed, tugging Ginny's hand as they rushed out the door. He knew the feeling of getting a new power. And it had been known to be dangerous to people around them. He shuddered to remember that poor first year's face as he got blasted away from them when they got the ability to sense each other's intentions.

He was aware of his parents and Ginny's mum and dad following them blearily into the yard, but was engulfed in the fiery sensation that rocked across his body. A golden glow emanated  from them as they came to a stop in the grass. Their parents were yelling for them, but they both stayed still and clutched each other. They saw the twins and Ron stumble towards them and then everything went yellow.

Power coursed through their veins and their hearts started beating as one. Their breathing evened and then it was gone. No explosions, no injuries.

Everyone stood in shock as Harry and Ginny stepped away from each other. They both looked into each other's eyes. Something has changed, they knew it, but what was it? Ginny's hand went to the necklace Harry had given her that Christmas. It was a jeweled broom engraved with Bonded Forever into the side.

"Feel any different?" Harry asked, knowing the answer. She reached her hand out and he took it. They both shut their eyes in sync and commanded their magic to flow out of them into the air. It was as if they had always been able to do this as a ball of magic expanded around them. A force field.

"Wandless magic" Arthur breathed as the forcefield covered the group. Harry and Ginny looked over, again moving in sync which the twins found extremely creepy, even though they were known to do that themselves.

"Yeah" They answered, voices overlapping. Again, creepy. The Bonded laughed and Ginny took his arm, lacing her fingers with his. A glow emanated from their hands.

"Alright" James broke the silence, clapping his hands "more reason for your brothers to be terrified of you, Ginny." He laughed with everyone. "Now, World Cup?"


The next morning was even more hectic. Harry and Ginny had to take turns changing with the other outside the door because being away from each other for more than ten minutes hurt. Harry was fully dressed and posted outside her door when she came out, a smile on her face. His jaw immediately went slack.

She was wearing dark jeans and a white tank top under a really light grey jacket. Her hair was in a messy bun and her necklace hung loosely around her neck. He swallowed and held her hand, trying to play it cool.

"Tongue tied?" His fathers voice seemed to mock in his head. He shook his head and cleared his throat.

"Ready?" He asked, his ears warm. Ginny seemed oblivious to his embarrassment as he was hiding his emotions, but she could tell he was nervous. They both walked downstairs, practically glued to each other's sides.

"Here comes the love birds" James announced. The kids blushed as Lily hit his arm. "Hey! Potter boys can never resist a beautiful red headed girl" He stated. Harry blushed and rolled his eyes while he and Ginny grabbed some toast.

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