Ch. 20

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This chapter is dedicated to That_Blonde_Weasley for being there for me and not stopping loving my stories even though I was away and didn't update. Thank you!

The sky was darker than usual on that certain Saturday. Clouds stirred and swirled from invisible fingers, magic radiated through the air as two children walked down from the castle.

The two red head, and raven haired kids walked the short distance to the lake from the front doors. Normally, kids would group around the lake for a quick afternoon swim or nap, working on homework or hanging with their friends.

But not today. No, the students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry were all inside, muttering about attacks and creatures lurking in the dark.

Rumors spread like wildfire in Hogwarts. Everyone knew this, and most people didn't believe what everyone was saying. But fear covers your emotions and makes you do things that you wouldn't normally.

Almost every kid in Hogwarts gave Harry weird looks as he walked down the halls, wether if he was with Ginny, or Ron and Hermione and Ginny (He hardly ever left her side)

Life wasn't going so good for the kids, and Harry's parents were unhappy with this. Ginny, being with Harry all the time, was even being given dark looks behind Herbology books and Potions Essays.

There were three rumors, one that was dismissed right away. The first was that Harry and Ginny were having a kid, that was why Harry never left her side and she kept having mood swings. But Albus waved this rumor away quickly explaining that they are just kids, and he even hinted that the older children should be ashamed that they even thought that. Though he didn't say it out loud.

The reason for these mood swings and them sticking together was solely the Bond. Ginny had Harry's emotions too, since he was having trouble comprehending how to keep them from flowing to her, so she had double the emotions normally because Harry was usually upset or depressed without her.

They stuck together because a piece of the Bond was settling into them, which was how they could feel the others intentions. They couldn't talk to each other in their heads or anything, it was more of an intuition. So they needed to be near each other, or it was painful while their soul tried to reach across to the other half of itself which was probably on the other side of the castle. They fixed this by meeting up between every class, just for a moment and holding hands before running off. If their class was farther away, the other would feel the pang of sadness and send some emotion to the other just to show that they were there.

The second rumor was that Harry was bringing all these bad omens to the school, since everyone said that he was always at the core when something bad happens. This made Ginny angrier and she snapped at anyone who whispered about him in the halls.

The third was a pretty correct one, that Ginny and Harry where getting extra lessons, and that was why they were doing so well in class. Albus said that this was true, but it was to prepare them for something that the students in Hogwarts would hopefully never understand. This caused more loath full looks as they felt the two were cheating.

And that brings us to today, seven or so days before Christmas Holiday, give or take. The two didn't pay much attention to the date anymore with all their extra work.

The Bonded were walking down to the Lake to meet Sirius, as he was taking them to do their lesson really quickly, then Harry was to go with him to see his parents. Alone. Harry wanted Ginny to come, but both Sirius and Ginny insisted that it was a family issue and that he needed to be there for his parents. Alone.

Harry couldn't get that thought out of his head. He would be away from Ginny for a good four hours or so. He didn't think that was worth it, even more so when his mum said that he might be able to spend the night.

The two walked down to the Lake, holding hands and silently wondering what was in store for them, little did they know.

When they reached Sirius, the wind had that extra bite that almost drew them over the edge. They were both freezing, and trying not to share their emotions to the other as it could be even more painful. Harry huddled closer to Ginny, relishing in that scent. It was something flowery.

Sirius walked forward and pulled his wand out of his pocket. They couldn't see his face, because of the cloak, so when they exchanged glances, they knew something was wrong.

Both kids dived to the side, a red spell barely missing them. Harry felt fear pump through his system like adrenaline, keeping him going. He didn't fear anything but his own fear, causing him to get worried and glance over to Ginny.

He sighed in relief when he saw she was completely fine and hiding behind the bush. He ducked his head so that the man couldn't see him because of the hill and raised his arm above his head. Two disarming spells sped towards Fake Sirius at super speeds, he barely dodged one, but the other hit him.

Harry shot some ropes at the man and tied him up, clutching the hood of the black cloak and yanking it down to see...

Cliff hanger! Sorry for the short chapter, I just wanted to post something really quickly.

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