Ch. 55 Dragons and Allies

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Pre planning all of my chapters from now on. Just a plot line isn't working, so I have a big notebook that will soon be filled with chapter planning! Hope you like this more organized chapter!

Ginny sat waiting in the Common Room, only halfway paying attention to her Herbology homework. The other half of her mind was busy monitoring Harry's emotions. For now, they stayed as anxiousness, but occasionally changed to wonder or even slight fright. The first time it changed to him being scared, Ginny nearly jumped out of her chair only to be comforted by her Bond Mate who occasionally sent her messages about what was going on.

But she was still bored, twisting her promise ring on her finger and biting her lip, with her stomach in knots and the chaos of her and Harry's emotions, Ginny barely had time to read the assigned pages before Harry announced he was on his way back. Ginny skimmed over the book, although she already knew most of the material, even if she wasn't sure how, it was always good to refresh her mind.

A few minutes after she closed the book, Harry barreled into the Common Room, Invisibility cloak loose in his grip as he practically flung himself onto the couch, his head in Ginny's lap.

Dragons, huh? Ginny remarked, not phased by his dramatic entrance like some of the other Gryffindors were. After a moment, the students left the two be, probably thinking that it would end up as a gushy moment between the two, when really that was the farthest thing on the Bonded's minds.

I can't believe this! Your brother brought them, Charlie, and you didn't know? Harry exclaimed, closing his eyes as Ginny absently ran her fingers through his hair. She grinned at his peaceful emotions coming from that small gesture.

Must've been keeping it a real secret, 'cause I'm his favorite. Ginny bragged, trying not to get her ring stuck in Harry's long locks of hair.

You're his favorite? Harry asked, smiling slightly. He of course already knew her answer, but wanted to hear her 'bragging' voice. A surge of pride coming from her made him grin.

Of course. When I was younger, I could manipulate him into buying me anything. I once made him play princess tea party with me. Harry laughed at the image of Charlie with a princess hat and dress sitting at a little table drinking tea with his pinky up, all to amuse his little sister. He even had a nickname for me, D-

Dragon Heart. Harry finished with a smile. Ginny smiled, though he couldn't see it.

Yup. Sometimes I forget about the Bond thing, Emerald. Harry groaned, opening his eyes and glaring at her.

It was when I was tiny, and my mum only did it to annoy me. It was Ginny's turn to laugh as she placed a soft kiss onto his forehead.

Whatever you say, Emerald. This time they both laughed, neither able to be annoyed with each other for very long. Ginny bent down and kissed him quickly, but it made her stomach erupt into a mosh pit of butterflies. Harry smiled when she pulled away and closed his eyes again, probably happy to not have to really worry about what the Task was. Now they had to worry about how to beat it.

After about twenty minutes of brainstorming, they were both exhausted, but had to continue or the Task would be harder for him than it had to be.

Maybe a stunning spell? Harry offered, not really trying anymore. Ginny shook her head, pressing her infers into her eyes.

Only a SUPER strong one would work. And you're only fourteen.... Suddenly, her eyes widened. Harry, you're a genius!

1: What? 2: Does being a genius get me a kiss? 'Cause I'd be happy to be a genius more often if it does. Ginny rolled her eyes, flicking his forehead lightly.

Harry, you're probably the strongest wizard around because of the Bond. And if I figure out a way to lend you some power, you could probably knock it out in one hit.

But people will know about the Bond. He pointed out, his head still on her lap as it had been. They still hasn't publicly announced the Bond, as they were still young and they didn't know where it could go. This was the exact reason James and Lily refused to have Harry interviewed for the paper. If he let something slip, all kinds of bad guys would be after him and Ginny.

Just make a show out of it. I can probably get Fred and George to smuggle me some fireworks, maybe a few smoke bombs, and it'll make it look like you used some complex spell. Now she was really excited, grinning down at her Bond Mate. He smiled back, sitting up and looking her straight in the eyes.

Nows the problem of not getting burned. Ginny slouched back onto the couch, huffing and making a fiery strand of hair fly away from her face.

Fireproof charms? I don't know how to do any of those... I've never had any practice either, we're too powerful. It could mess up. They seriously needed to learn how to use their power in proportions. Harry had agreed to go see Dumbledore, but now they weren't sure they could trust him. He was the strongest wizard besides Harry, so he must know about controlling powers.

Harry collapsed back into the cushions, crossing his arms and staring into the fire. Suddenly, he sat bolt upright. Hermione! Ginny almost face palmed. They'd been sitting here trying to use complicated ways to figure things out when the answer was right there! There was only one problem.

Remember though she's with Ron. He'll probably get angry at her, and we don't want that. Ginny scrunched up her eyebrows as she talked.

You're right... But we could try and do it ourselves! Harry said optimistically, standing to pace around the room. Ginny was about to say that it would be too dangerous, but just then Ron barreled into the room, his fists clenched.

Oh goodie... Ginny thought, leaning her head back onto the couch.

"What's going on with you, Harry? First you put your name in the Goblet, and then you drag my baby sister into a closet?" Ron demanded, his voice getting louder with each word. Ginny noticed that he didn't have a button on his shirt, so at least he'd heard about their practical ban.

"What? I didn't put my name in the Goblet! And yes I did talk to Ginny in a closet, but that's only because we didn't have anywhere else to talk privately." Harry insisted, narrowing his eyes at Ron. The red head huffed, casting a baleful glance towards Ginny before storming upstairs.

The Bonded noticed Hermione standing there for the first time, looking slightly upset and more than a little annoyed. "I'm sorry about him. I'll try to talk to him, but I'm not sure he'll listen..." She smiled sympathetically before making her way towards the staircase.

"Wait, Hermione, can you cast fire protection charms?" Harry asked, throwing all caution to the wind. Ginny glared at the back of his head, but neither he or Hermione noticed.

"Yes, I've done it to practice quite a few times. Why?" Harry explained to her what was going on, and soon Hermione agreed to help, before she climbed the staircase to the boy's dorms almost silently, heading to Ron.

"I think somethings happening between those two." Ginny pointed out, Harry laying down beside her on the couch. Her Bond Mate wrapped her in his arms and pulled her closer, her back against his chest.

"I definitely agree. They're going to get together, I guarantee." Ginny laughed at his certainty and slowly closed her eyes, ready to finally fall asleep after a long day.

The moon was high outside as they drifted off, unaware of the things lurking behind the castle walls.

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