Ch. 59 Groveling and Kisses

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Ginny looked into her brother's blue eyes, trying to hold back laughter as he apologized, somewhat pathetically. She had tuned out moments before, only picking up choice words like 'promise' or 'sorry'. Harry would tell her later what he said.

"So, will you accept my apology?" Ron asked, tilting his head to the side like a sad puppy. He probably thought it'd help his cause, but Ginny just scowled, glaring. She must have been a good actress, because a look of terror sprang into his eyes.

"So, you come to me at this hour," It was actually just eight, but Ginny thought it'd sound cooler if she added that, "just to pathetically grovel at my feet?" Ron almost rolled his eyes, but thought better of it and nodded, even if his ears were bright red.

Ginny glanced around the room with narrowed eyes, as if searching for something. Harry shifted beside her, waiting for her answer. All three were in the Common Room, Harry and Ginny sharing a large chair and Ron standing in front of them.

"Only if-" Ron groaned and Hermione shot him a look from across the room. "You get down on your knees and promise to not let your true nature of being a complete git take over. And that you'll give me your dessert for all of Christmas break," Harry raised his eyebrows. "The both of us."

Ron seemed like he was evaluating the situation as much as his tiny brain could, but then just as he was about to reply, his gaze drifted off to the corner of the room where Hermione was patiently reading a book, and he sighed.

"Fine. Whatever. So, you two forgive me?" Ginny beamed and hopped off the chair, jumping onto the couch so she was kneeling beside her tall brother, facing towards Harry, and wrapped one of her arms around his neck.

"Of course. Just as long as you don't call me anything, or try to, again." Harry was surprised at how easily the conflict had blown over. The two almost seemed to act like normal again. Ron smiled at Harry.

"Oi, I never said I forgave you!" The Potter said pointedly. Ron laughed, like the idea was hilarious.

"Of course you do."

"What? I never said-"

"But Ginny did." Hermione appeared at Ron's other side, smirking devilishly in a way that didn't really suit her.

"Wait, what does that mean?" Ron and Hermione exchanged glances.

"Sorry, mate, but you're whipped." Ron shrugged. Harry gasped, standing immediately with his hand on his chest. Ginny tried to hold back a snort, and ended up silently laughing behind her hand.

"Excuse me? I am not whipped," Harry corrected, holding his hand out. "I merely enjoy living and breathing. I also enjoy being considered male. That is not whipped." Ginny was practically rolling around on the floor with laughter, her face completely red.

"Harry, I have to agree with Ronald. You are completely whipped." Hermione smiled.

"I'm done. I'm out. Goodbye." Harry started off out of the room, but the sound of his friends laughter drew him back to another joke. "Ginevra." He called formally, bowing. "Would her ladyship agree with I, a lowly peasant in her presence, am not whipped." Ginny stood, wiping tears from her eyes. She curtseys.

"Her ladyship regards this peasant's request and denies." Harry fakes looking appalled, sweeping towards her.

"Then this commoner shall ask for a dance to prove not." He extends his hand and Ginny squints slightly at it, though cautiously places her hand on his.

"And how would that prove anything, you scum of the world?" Happiness was flowing through the Bond in streams, as well as amusement, so Harry continued.

"Dunno, just want to dance with you." Harry said normally, tugging her fingers so she twirled slightly before stopping before him. He led in a hilarious jig, twirling and dipping her. Their music was the sound of Ron and Hermione's laughter, and their dance floor was the worn carpet of the Common Room.

A glow danced around their limbs with them, the Bond as strong as ever as emotions coursed through them. Anytime Harry held Ginny's hand, or Ginny placed her arm around his neck, fire lit the room in waves. Ron and Hermione watched with amazement at the show. The two were working in perfect sync, so perfect you could hardly tell who was leading. You could practically feel the love radiating off of them.

When they stopped, panting as the adrenaline slowed through their bodies, Ron and Hermione clapped loudly, both still wondering at the slightly weird dance.

"Wow, you two are good dancers." Hermione decided, packing up her stuff. "But I must be off, it's almost curfew and I still haven't started on next week's homework." Ginny knew why her usually pre-prepared friend was behind. She'd stayed up for hours with the girl the night before, trying to console her. But, the fact that they now shared a dorm helped.

"Okay. Goodnight 'Mione." Harry waved. Ron didn't say anything, instead walked the girl to the staircase where they stood for a moment, unaware of a Bonded Couple staring at them with glee from behind the couch.

It was quick enough so you could barely notice that their lips touched, but Hermione kissed him and ran up the stairs, her face almost completely red. Ron, however, was red. Emphasis. His whole face had turned red, and his neck, and his ears. Ginny almost laughed at the sight, but just beamed at Harry.

Guess everything's back to normal.

Almost everything. He replied.

Something Flowery (Hinny Fanfiction) {Completed}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin