Ch. 6

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Harry wandered around the Burrow, his hands stuck in his jeans pockets. The smell of Molly's cooking filled his nose and he sighed, knowing he had just a little time before everyone would come rushing downstairs for breakfast.

He caught a whiff of flowers and turned to Ginny who smiled and blushed slightly, making him blush as well.

"D'you want to go for a fly before breakfast?" He asked. She nodded and he beamed, thinking of how fun she was to fly with because of her skill and competitiveness.

"Going outside mum" Ginny called as they raced out the door and to the broom shed. Ginny handed Harry Bills old broom and she took Freds. They both beamed at one another and kicked off, flying around the small, makeshift pitch that the Weasleys had built in their backyard.

Harry loved the feeling of the wind whipping past him as he tried to overtake Ginny. The air around him distorted and he dived just in time to duck an apple going for his arm

Ginny wasn't so lucky, and because she had been flying slightly blow Harry, the apple hit her in her head. Harry's heart lurched as her eyes rolled back into her head and she lost consciousness. She slumped on her broom and fell over one side.

Everything acted in slow motion. They were so far up, that he knew her bones would shatter on impact. He heard Ron shout and vowed to get back at him if he survived.

Harry tried to get to her but his broom wouldn't respond, the panic in his mind making it hard to concentrate and control the broom. He knew that if he didn't do something, she'd die.

All this happened in two seconds before Harry lurched forward on his broom, launching himself off it and caught her, twisting so that he was under her and would break her fall.

He breathed in her scent, knowing that it would be the last thing he ever smelled and that saving her would be the last thing he'd ever do. This too happened in less than one second.

He watched as his broom was getting further and further away, then he felt himself lurch before he blacked out.

Fred smiled at his twin as they made their way down for breakfast.

"Good morning mum! When's breakfast?" He asked.

"Five minutes dear, could you please go get the kids. They're playing Quidditch in the yard." George nodded and pulled Fred with him.

Fred smiled as they came to the pitch. They arrived just as Ron threw an apple up and hit it with Fred's Beaters bat. Fred was about to admonish him, saying that he probably got apple juice all over his new bat, when his eyes followed the apple to where Harry dived to get away from it.

He watched in horror as it hit his baby sister instead. She slumped off her broom and Fred made to run over when he saw Harry jump off his as well.

Harry positioned himself under Fred's baby sister and Fred knew what he was doing instantly. He was going to take the blunt of the force, killing him instead of her.

George whipped out his wand and flicked it at them. Harry jerked just before he reached he ground, but still fell and Fred felt his whole body freeze as he saw Harry laying on the ground with Ginny sprawled beside him. A thin stream of black smoke spiraled from Harry, as it went farther into the air, it seemed to scream in agony.

Fred screamed for their mum and Ron stood, shocked at what happened. Fred rushed over to Harry and tried to locate a pulse, not finding one, he panicked.

"MUM! HARRY AND GINNY ARE HURT!" He screamed again. His mum rushed out and Fred switched over to Ginny who was breathing raggedly. He felt her pulse and sighed, looking at his mother who was trying to locate a pulse on Harry.

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