Q&A Thingie and Update!

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Hey guys!.... Hmm.... I've been trying to think of a name for you guys who like my writing.... Fandomers?... That sounds a lot like Directioners, so, uh, NO.... OOOH HOW ABOUT BUCCANEERS? Cuz CaptainMercy, geddit? Tell me if you like it!

Anyway, I just got tagged by Elise_here  to do a Q&A, and I figured I'd post it on my most read book! Uh, I suppose I put the rules now? Okay, I'm nervous 😰

1: You have to post all the rules
2: You have to tag 13 people
3: Each person has to answer 13 questions about themselves
4: You have to make 13 questions for the people you tag
5: Do not skip tags
6: Be creative with the title
7: Put this in the book, not the comments.

Uhm, I think that's it. I don't know if we're supposed to make our own separate book for this, but I just don't have the time or patience to make a cover or anything so I'm putting it in this book! I don't know what 'Be creative with the title' means, but oh well. So, let's start!!!!

First question!
Fave movie?

Well, I don't watch many movies, since I mostly read, but I did enjoy Big Hero 6 and The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2!! I'll say the latter.


I don't play in any sports anymore but I enjoy softball and soccer! I compete in competitive reading 😝

How many friends?

Uhm... Six maybe? Well, I have a bunch of friends, but I only have 2 best friends. You know who you are!

Boyfriend? If not, who are you crushing on?

No boyfriend! Um, no! And I surprisingly don't have a crush on anyone. Does Leo Valdez count? 😝

Got any stories you're working on?

At this moment? Yes, I'm mostly working on this story, and I have a Percy Jackson one shot thingie that I write in leisurely. I occasionally post in my several other book idea things, but those two are my main ones.

Pro or no clone wars?

Um, I'm sorry, but what? Clone wars is a Star Wars thing right? The one that was really popular for a while then people started hating it? I have no answer for this, I've only seen one Star Wars. Gods if I'm wrong about that, it'll be embarrassing!

Who is your favorite Marvel super hero?

Black Widow, maybe... Dunno

Why did you make your Wattpad account

Whoo, here's a story! Okay, so after my birthday I finished Deathly Hallows and rewatched the movies all in two days, so, I started writing things on this beaten up notepad. It was mostly Hinny fanfiction and rants, and my sister told me I should start putting it online. I declined, deciding I'd just keep it to myself.

Then I saw a picture of Percabeth on Pinterest and rewatched Percy Jackson. I loved it (ew) and looked up Percy Jackson on Google (Read some Lukabeth fics, I'll admit, I shipped them). After finding out there was books (I was so naive back then 🙄) I read the first few. Then I googled them again, going through the pages until I found something.


I was addicted, reading every fanfiction I could find on Fanfiction.net.

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