Ch. 45 Dreams and Realities

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Harry and Ginny made their way to the Great Hall, hands intwined. Usually they would try to hide the fact that their hands were glowing, but they didn't bother today. By the looks everyone gave them in the hallway, most people already knew.

Harry had finished his homework during double Divination. The entire class was pretty much Trelawney pestering Ginny about the Bond, wether she's seen things, or the prophecy.

A thin stream of annoyance was flowing through the Bond, and Harry knew it wasn't going to leave anytime soon, so he tried to stay silent and lend as much support as he could.

And it was true, Ginny was completely miffed that the Professor had singled her out and embarrassed her, for the second year in a row in fact, about the Bond. Why couldn't she pester Harry? Why'd she single out the easily angered Weasley? As far as Ginny knew, there was really no answer.

They sat at their usual places, hands intwined under the table, as they placed food on their plates. Ginny felt nauseous, her vision swimming as she blinked a few times and tried a bite of food. Harry glanced at her as she put her fork down, forcing herself to swallow.

Gin? You okay? He knew she wasn't okay, but was treading on thin ice already, he'd known his girlfriend long enough to figure out that it was best to be silent during these times. Last time he'd jumped to conclusions, he got a black eye.

Um, yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit sick. She tried for a comforting smile, but it came out kind of sleepy. Um, I think I need to go to lay down. You eat.

She didn't wait for an answer, instead rushing down the hall, keeping a hand against the wall as she tried not to pass out. Something was happening, something bad.

She remembered going towards the stairs, one hand on the rail, and then tipping forward. And her world went black.


It smelled of moss and dirt. The man was weaving around gravestones, his yellow teeth chattering as the cool autumn air rustled his robes. Ginny was lying on the grass, her breathing erratic even though she knew she wasn't in danger. Something about all of this seemed evil and wrong.

"And the girl?" A squeaky voice chattered, drawing further away from Ginny as he looked at the tombstones. She stood, moving forward. Her steps were silent, and the grass didn't flatten when she stepped on it. Instead, she appeared to be floating as she neared the man.

"She'll be of no trouble, have you found it?" A hiss echoed around the dark, making chills run up and down Ginny's spine. She tried to step closer to the two, but she couldn't. The voice had paralyzed her with fear. It was familiar, and brought an animalistic sense of panic running through her veins.

"No sir. I don't mean to be a nuisance, but the power they contain overcomes even Albus Dumbledore's. She could be a vital point in his victory, shall it happen." The man was tall, staring through the dim light of his wand with large eyes. His hands were large as well, swinging at his sides like an ape. He had side burns, enhancing his small nose and bushy eyebrows. His lips were forever pursed in a pout.

"Do not fear, they will be destroyed," but the voice wavered, sending a rush of hate through Ginny's body. "The girl could be useful. He would die without her, slowly and painfully. Crawling to me to end his life." Now it had a wistful tone, making Ginny take a involuntary step forward as she tried to make out the rest of the fading conversation.

"Yes sir." And the lanky limbs made their way through the graveyard once more, a hand trailing across the tops of the stones as he bent to read the inscriptions. Ginny wondered where the other voice was coming from, until she saw the basket the man was holding, a bundled blanket inside.

"This is it, stop." And Ginny fell backwards, through the grass, and into a bright light.


Ginny opened her eyes, trying to make her heart stop pounding as she stared at the ceiling. A cold sweat had broken out across the back of her neck and she shivered, her hands feeling cold as they always do after not being with Harry for a while. Her entire soul ached. She reached across to locate him, and found he was sitting in the astronomy tower.

Ginny calmed her breathing, sitting up slowly as she tried to figure out where she was herself. She must have been in the girls dorms, because she recognized her trunk leaning against the bed. She tried to remember going to bed, but all she could see was the gravestones, and all she could feel was the cold grass pressing to her back.

The girl pulled off her duvet, stretching slightly as her bones popped and her muscles strained. She'd have to start walking around the castle with Harry again, like last year with Sirius, or she'd go completely out of shape.

Gently padding towards the door, she noticed no one was in the room. There were no voices. Usually people would be chattering to friends in the Common Room, getting into the pajamas in the dorms, but there wasn't a soul in sight.

Ginny pulled on her housecoat and some slippers over her uniform, not wanting to hunt down her cloak and tie her shoes, and practically ran towards the Astronomy tower. She was freezing, and wondered why Harry hadn't been with her in hours. She never felt this cold without him. How long had she been asleep?

Her heart was racing as she bolted through the hallways, noticing that no one was around. The castle was silent, and she was jarred by memories of creeping through these hallways in the dead of night, Tom's voice in her head.

The door to the astronomy tower was open, she noticed as she took the stairs two at a time, reaching for Harry through the Bond. Her limbs were still heavy, and every move hurt. Her soul was tearing, in constant pain. She was terrified as she didn't get a response.

His body was framed by the moonlight. Her heart stopped, the glistening liquid around him seeming to taunt her. You stupid girl, everything he's done for you and you just leave.

A strangled cry rose from her throat as she ran to him, grabbing his shoulders. His eyes were open and glassy, staring at the ceiling with fright on his features. Wounds littered his chest, dripping blood. The red liquid was staining his mouth.

She cried, placing her hands over his chest as she tried to heal him. Nothing happened, except a sense of complete dread and hurt. She felt like she'd pass out from the pain in her chest, a knife stabbing her soul and heart to pieces.

The sticky fluid clung to her hands as she did everything she could, taking his face in her grip and forcefully kissing him. Sobbing, "Wake up!", but he didn't respond, just stared at the ceiling.

The moonlight was fading, though Ginny didn't remember being there for long. The hair at the back of her neck stood on end as she tended, a shadow coming into vision. Before she could react, hands grabbed her throat and she was pushed against the wall, two blue eyes blazing as someone hit her head against the wall. It didn't hurt. Well, it did, but not as bad as everything else. She tried to convince herself it was a dream, but everything was vividly real.

Ginny let the person beat her, her eyes never leaving Harry's body on the floor. Finally, she felt a knife entire her stomach, and everything was dark.
And everything was pain as she passed out.

Or did she wake up?

Two questions today! First of all, who attacked Ginny and Harry? Second of all, was it a dream or real life?

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