Ch. 21

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Harry and Ginny's mouths drop. In front of them is a man with black hair, hazel eyes, and an impish grin. James Potter.

James laughed and leaped up, throwing the black cloak onto the dewy ground and whirled to face Harry.

"That was awesome!" James cheered, raising his hands into the air. "The teamwork and strategy!" He complimented, ruffling his sons hair.

"What's going on?" Harry gasped, glancing at Ginny who looked just as confused though she didn't let her emotions travel to Harry.

James grinned and hugged them both quickly before turning to the large oak tree behind him. "Come on out!" James shouted, cupping his hands around his mouth. The leaves rustled for a second before a form jumped down, throwing his hands into the air like a gymnast.

"8 out of ten" James complemented with a small clap. Sirius wiped his hair from his eyes and flashing a cocky smile.

"Only eight?" He asked, pulling out his wand. James put his hands up in surrender and laughed.

"Fine, 9 1/2" James said, shrugging. Harry grinned at both of them before realizing they didn't answer his question.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. Both men turned around, seemingly realizing they didn't explain.

"Harry" Sirius started. "What happens in war?" His eyes shone with seriousness.

"You fight" Harry answered easily, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"And what else?" James said lowly. His eyes flashed, concern filling them. Harry took a moment to answer, thinking over what he would say.

"People die" He answered quietly. James nodded and knelt by his son, putting his hand on his shoulder.

"We need to make sure that you are ready"

"I am ready" Harry snapped. James sighed, shaking his head.

"Harry... I think what your dad is trying to say is that, well... The people we will be fighting doesn't use mercy... They will kill without a second thought and we need you to be ready so you won't be killed" Sirius said, walking forward.

"If it was you... Or Ginny-" Harry visibly winced, causing her to shudder as well when she felt the pain. A vision of Ginny, cold and lifeless on the ground filled his mind. "Or me, or Sirius... Anyone could die, we need you to be completely ready" James finished, standing and grabbing his abandoned cloak off the ground.

"Are you ready to go see your mother?" James asked, putting his cloak on himself. Harry glanced at Ginny, seeing her eyes flash for a second. He sighed and nodded.

"I'll walk you back to the castle, Ginny" Sirius said, grabbing his own cloak and fastening it over his robes. Ginny nodded and shared a silent conversation with Harry, holding his hand before walking off.

Sirius was back to his usual self, bubbling with excitement and being goofy. Though he had lost the skip to his step. Ginny knew that he was worried about something, but what?

"What do Harry's parents want to talk to him about?" She asked, looking over to the black haired man. He glanced at her before shaking his head.

"That's for Harry to tell" He said, grinning "And he most certainly will tell"

Ginny glared at him, making him laugh. They both traveled up to Gryffindor house where they waited in silence for the Potter to return.

It was well after dinner that Sirius retreated to his room where he usually slept since he hated his current residence at a filthy house Ginny didn't remember the name of.

Ron and Hermione came and went, both exhausted from studying in the library. The two had definitely become closer ever since Ginny and Harry had become Soul Mates. Ron usually studied with Hermione, and Ginny had to say, it was growing on him. Hermione was definitely good for him.

It was nearing time to go to sleep when Ginny was staring into the fire, her homework abandoned. She had been waiting for many hours now, maybe he was staying over?

Just as she thought that, the fire roared as a figure stepped from it. Ginny beamed as her eyes met the ones of her best friend. His too long black hair was in his face, which was covered in soot. He looked grea- WAIT! What am I thinking? She thought.

He smiled at her and jumped onto the couch next to her. She could feel his emotions pouring into her, he must have been keeping his emotions behind a tall wall so she wouldn't know what was happening.

Right now, he was extremely happy. EXTREMELY. He leaned forward and beamed. "Gin!" He said. Ginny nodded, excited to hear the news. "It's my mum!"

Ginny nodded, urging him on. As he answered, his voice was shining with joy. "My mum is going to have a baby!" He said. Ginny's jaw dropped. When she could tell he wasn't lying, she threw her arms around him and laughed. Her cheeks were heating up as he snaked his arms around her waist and laughed with her.

They stayed like that until they pulled back slightly. His eyes caught hers and she felt as though she was drowning in the pools of green. She snapped back to reality when she noticed they were really close to each other.

She kept her gaze on his eyes, subconsciously leaning in ever so slightly. His eyes were trapping her, she couldn't think or move. They were so close...

Ginny could feel his breath on her face as he leaned in. This is it, she thought to herself, he's going to kiss me.

So close...

Almost there...

A loud thump sounded and the two jerked away from each other, they whirled around to see Ron, on his bottom as he stared at the two with wide eyes. It looked as if he had been walking down the stairs when he fell.

Suddenly, fire was in the boys eyes. He raced to where Harry and Ginny sat and grabbed Harry's shirt collar, winding his fist back. He let loose a punch just as Ginny tried to push him away from Harry. The result was a sickening crack as Ron's fist came in contact with Harry's nose instead of the side of his head.

Blood poured onto Harry's front. Ron looked at his friend with shock and hate mixed together. Ginny whipped her wand out.

"Stupid git!" She yelled "Stupify!" Ron fell backwards as a few Gryffindors poured downstairs. Ginny could barely focus as Harry was led away by a prefect and Ron was brought to McGonagall.

So that's where she was now, beside Harry as he held wash cloth to his broken nose while Pomfrey rushed over to fix it.

Gosh was Ginny mad, too

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