Ch. 25 A Date

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The very next day, Ginny was standing in front of the mirror in her dorm room. She searched for Harry's presence and found that he was just where she figured he'd be. On the staircase to the boys dorm, hiding behind a pillar.

Satisfied that he was going to be there for a while, she walked downstairs where Hermione was waiting. Harry was keeping his emotions tight, she could feel it. But she didn't think he'd be able to hide it if he did love her and heard this.

"What did Michael ask?" Hermione jumped straight to the point before Ginny even had time to sit. So, the red head took her time getting comfortable, crossing her legs and placing her hands on her legs just right until her friend looked ready to explode.

"He asked me out" Ginny said nonchalantly, sneaking a glance towards the staircase. Hermione waited for a second, following Ginny's eyes and gave her a knowing look. The bookworm smirked ever so slightly and played along.

"And you said...?"

"I told him that we could go out after Christmas break if I feel like it" Ginny replied. Hermione had a slightly disgusted look but squealed loudly anyway, playing the part of an over-excited friend.

Ginny's heart ached when she felt Harry turn sad, but beamed when she felt a new emotion take him over.



Just a few days later, the group was relaxing in their respective living rooms, holding cups of hot chocolate. Harry Potter was sitting next to his dad while Lily was at work, and was nervous about what he was going to talk about.

"Dad, I need... Dating advice" Harry said shakily. James looked at his son, shell-shocked. Then he grimaced.

"Better me than Sirius or Ron" He wondered. "Sirius would suggest things that you do not need to worry about and Ron would probably give you a smack upside the head" Both boys laughed at the prospect. "I'm guessing this is about a certain soul-mate..."

Harry nodded, setting down his hot chocolate in turn for a bottle of cold butterbeer. The older man stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Yes... Yes... Quite right my dear chap, you do need advice"

Harry pushed his father lightly and the man laughed. "What do you need help on?" He asked.

"She's going out with Michael Corner" Harry said sadly, swishing the contents of his bottle in a circle before taking a swig. Silence enveloped them.

"Tell me about him," James suggested "What are his weaknesses?"

Harry thought for a moment "I don't know. He's got long hair? Ravenclaw I think... He's going out with my Bond Mate" The last part had a bit of venom.

"And you're jealous?" A voice by the doorway asked. The two boys hadn't noticed the woman of the house walk in, shivering from the cold.

"Mom!" Harry exclaimed, jumping. Lily turned from hanging up her coat and raised her eyebrows.

"I think I can give better advice than your father" She said with a stern look "All he ever did was wink at girls and have them fall to his feet. Besides me of course" She ruffled her husbands hair affectionately and placed a kiss on her son's head. "And besides, I'm a girl, I know what she's doing" the woman added. Harry was suddenly on the edge of his seat.

"Yes?" He asked eagerly. Lily laughed.

"She's trying to make you jealous, my dear. She's trying to judge your emotions. See if you like her back. It's quite obvious, I have no idea how you boys don't pick up on things like this."

Harry stared at his mother. "She likes me?" He asked. Lily nodded, taking a seat.

"Tell her you like her, but do it romantically. Then you can figure out what to do since you two a too young to date"

"But this is a different circumstance, Lil" James added, pointing at his wife. "They're bound to be together"

"Doesn't mean they have to take it up a notch, James" Lily shot back. Her husband shrugged, smiling.

"Tell her"


Harry decided that Christmas was the perfect time to make his move. The smell of pine cones was filtered through the air, and freshly baked cookies steamed wherever you turned. Ginny's eyes seemed brighter in the Christmas days, Harry decided, looking at her. The Potters were staying over at the Burrow for Chritmas, not wanting to be alone for what could be the last peaceful Christmas for a while.

Harry stayed up past the dark of night putting together his plan. It had to be perfect. One of her presents was downstairs, tied up with a big bow. It was a broom, different than the one he had originally gotten for her. A Firebolt, just like the one Sirius had given him. But there was a smaller gift too, tied up neatly with a big red bow.

The contents of his stomach seemed to be ready to throw themselves to the floor, and even the familiar sounds of his dad and his best friend snoring in the beds beside didn't calm him.

By morning, he had successfully slept six hours randomly through the night. But the next morning, he jumped out of bed and woke up Ron.

"What is it Harry?" He asked, annoyed as he looked out the window at the rising sun "It's like three in the morning!" He exclaimed.

"Ron, it's not even eight"

"Same thing" the red head groaned, flipping back onto his pillow.

"It's about Ginny" Harry blurted, his words tumbling out of his mouth. Ron looked at Harry.

"I know" He replied, glancing back out the window. "And, go ahead. Try." Harry was shocked. Ron just laid back down and started snoring. The Potter wasn't sure if he'd heard his friend right, but he rushed downstairs to prepare.

As he sped down the stairs, he suddenly he plowed into someone.

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