Ch. 36 Letters From Dumbledore

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Ginny settled into her seat at the Burrow, clutching Harry's hand and avoiding her family's eyes. They still forgot her birthday.

"Happy birthday, sweetie," Her mother said nervously, wrapping her arms around the girl. Ginny stiffened, trying to stay mad at the woman, but she couldn't and melted into the embrace.

'Stop it, Harry!' She thought as he started chuckling slightly.

'Right, sorry.' But she could tell he was just humoring her.

"Ginny, we remembered your birthday, it's just that a lot has happened since last night." Her mother explained. Ginny stayed still after Mrs Weasley backed away, still slightly upset.

"What happened?" She voiced, glancing at Harry who shrugged.

"There was a murder, happened a while ago but they just figured out who did it..." Mr Weasley paused, looking at his wife who nodded slightly. "The person was killed in the muggle way as in-"

"A jagged knife," Harry blurted. Everyone looked at him, shocked.

"It happened?" Ginny breathed. Harry scrunched up his eyebrows. "Merlin..." She burrowed her face into Harry's shirt, not caring that everyone of her brothers were staring at her ring.

"Okay, what are you two talking about?" Mrs Weasley asked, glancing around the room.

"Bond thing." Harry said quickly. Everyone left it at that.

There was a faint scratching at the window and everyone looked to see a load of owls with letters in their beaks.

As per usual, everyone grabbed their letter, leaving one unopened one on the table.

'Ginny!' Harry beamed at her as she read through her list of supplies. She glanced up.

'What? I'm busy!' She exclaimed, but her eyes caught the name on the letter and she snatched it up, reading it expectantly. She finished and beamed up at Harry, throwing her arms around him and kissing him quickly to her brothers's surprise.

"I'm moving up a year!" Ginny yelled, shoving the letter at her parents. They stared at it in shock, reading it twice to make sure.

'This is amazing, Gin!' Harry thought, wrapping his other half up in his arms. She couldn't wipe the smile off her face as everyone completely forgot about her kissing Harry and started celebrating. She was going to be in Harry's year! Ron even came up and hugged her, though she could tell he was slightly put out.

After everyone retreated to their rooms, Harry and Ginny went back outside and sat beside the lake. The surface glittered with a thousand diamonds. As soon as Harry made himself comfortable, Ginny grabbed his shirt collar and kissed him. He was surprised, but kissed her back quickly.

'What was that for? Not that I didn't like it.' Harry thought when they pulled away, Ginny just looked up at him innocently.

'For being the best Bond Mate ever.' She replied, twisting her knew ring on her finger. He smiled, one corner of his mouth going up slightly more than the other.

'I'm pretty sure someone else already owns that title.' And he kissed her again, slower than before but it still made her heart make an embarrassing thump, that she was sure he felt against his chest. But he didn't give any indication that he noticed, or cared, and just laid down with her head on his chest.

Ginny was pretty sure this was the best birthday of her life.


Ginny woke to the sun in her eyes. She stretched, sitting up and yawning. She'd completely knocked out the night before after coming back in with Harry. They spoke with their Bond for a few minutes until Ginny sensed his consciousness slipping. She sent him a wave of love and he sent one of his own right back. Then she could sense his breathing start to even, if she concentrated hard enough, and decided to just close her eyes and rest.

Apparently she slept through the rest of that evening and night. Her bones felt like they were made of heavy sand as she got up and put on a green tee shirt and jeans. She could barely tie her shoes.

Collapsing on the bed, she felt a wave of dislocated panic roll through her, but she was too tired to reassure Harry that she hadn't died. Everything was sore. Her mum came upstairs, red hair bouncing as she made to drag Ginny downstairs. The woman stopped short and felt her forehead.

"Oh dear, seems you've caught something. Probably from sleeping outside." Her mother softly reprimanded as she helped her shivering daughter under the comforters.

"I felt fine last night..." Ginny moaned, feeling a cold sweat break out across her forehead. 'Harry, I'm sick...' She sent to her Bond Mate as her mother placed a clothe across her forehead.

'I'm coming.' She could feel his worry. "Harry's coming." Her mother raised her eyebrow, but apparently decided not to question this strange Bond her daughter had with The Boy Who Lived.

Mrs Weasley retreated downstairs to get some tea and Ginny buried herself in her blankets. She could hear the window open and Harry slip inside, peeling back the blankets. He lifted her chin so she was looking at him. As soon as he touched her, she felt slightly better. A pulse of gold danced across the walls.

'You'll be fine, it seems like it's just a cold. You scared me.' He said. She sighed and pulled his other hand to rest on her forehead. He chuckled, making to step back, but she glared at him and he stayed in place.

"Gin, my arms are starting to hurt." He complained softly. She patted the spot next to her and he immediately blushed. "Your mum'll kill me, then you, then me again." He whispered.

"Bond!" She coughed and he rolled his eyes, sitting next to her. Mrs Weasley came in and startled, almost dropping the mug of tea.

"Harry! When did you get here?" She placed the cup on Ginny's bedside table.

"Just a few minutes ago." Mrs Weasley didn't move, just glanced between them. It wasn't like anything would happen! She walked out after a second and left the two alone, with the door completely open.

Harry laid down and wrapped his arms around Ginny. She could feel her entire body warm and she felt slightly better.

'I don't want you to get sick...' But she stayed cuddled in his arms. He chuckled, pulling her closer to him. She sighed, already feeling way better.

'Then you'll just have to come and heal me' he kissed her forehead and she felt herself drifting.

Sorry it was short, but that last part was supposed to be in the next chapter so I figured you'd rather have a 1000+ word chapter rather than a 400 word one. The next one is supposed to be pretty long because something big happens!!! (Can you guess?)

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