Ch. 68 Confessions of the Soul

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Hi guys. Sorry for the chapter being up so late...  I've been pretty down lately. But, that doesn't matter! What matters is getting you guys to the chapter! So, really quickly, I want you guys to guess what the name of my last book will be. I've come up with it already, and the series will go as follows:
Something Flowery, Something Sweet, _______ ________

Can you guess?

Harry took Ginny's hands in his, bringing them from the top of his shoulders to rest between them. Letting go of one, he locked eyes with her and smiled, rubbing circles on the back of her hand as they stood there. Some people were watching them warily, waiting for the moment one left the other's side so they could sidle in and sweep the other into a dance.

Of course, that moment would never come. The two were glued to each other's sides. Of course, Ginny promised to save Fred and George dances, and Harry promised Luna, who'd come with a blushing Neville, that he'd dance with her. Ginny even agreed to dance with Neville, laughing as Luna led Harry in a dance that had him tripping over his own feet, blushing, and falling over once or twice.

After a while, The Bonded slouched over to the refreshments table, Harry pouring them goblets of punch and Ginny turning away the boys that came up to her while simultaneously glaring at the girls that shuffled over to ask Harry for a dance.

After moments of silence, Harry suddenly chortled into his goblet of punch, sloshing the frothy liquid around for while before smiling innocently up at Ginny.

Y'know what I think would look hot? He thought dreamily. Ginny raised her eyebrows, thinking of how many times she'd have to slap him around after whatever he would say. But he surprised her, and instead beamed. If you had a mustache. Swiping his finger across the top of his drink, Harry painted a foam mustache over her upper lip, dotting the remaining froth on the tip of her nose.

Ginny tried to keep herself from laughing, instead stroking her chin thoughtfully. Do I look like Merlin yet? She asked, puckering her lips like she was in deep thought.

Harry laughed, swiping more foam from his punch and placing it on his own lip, raising one eyebrow threateningly. Ho ho! I will incinerate you! Boom boom! He waved his hand like he was wielding a wand, thinking in a bad impression of an old man. Ginny broke into peals of laughter, setting down her goblet as she held her stomach.

Harry grinned back, glad to see he amused her. Around them, people glanced over at the two. Wondering how they were so casual with each other when the two hadn't been dating that long. Also, the shameless flirting didn't really help the picture. It was like the two were married instead of dating.

Katrin stood off to the side, biting her lip as she watched. There was something strange about the two. Something other than the Bond that they weren't telling them. Weren't even telling their friends of family. She knew. The way they walked and talked. Guarded, only trusting each other. Harry was protective over Ginny, who kept a determined look in her clear eyes. They knew something.

Katrin sighed, wiping her hand across her face sleepily. She was tired of everything. Of her mum, of the school, of people. She kept a determined face, walking straight towards the Entrance Hall. She'd confront him, anything to keep h-... Them safe.

She was tired of standing there in the shadow of her mother. Scolded for not being girly or frilly. Her mum meant no harm, trying to bond with her daughter over dresses and makeup. But it only made Katrin Boyle feel more left out.

With a longing look towards the refreshment table, Katrin slipped out of the Hall. Heading straight for the Gryffindor Common Room.

Short chapter, but the next one will be up very soon! I'm working on it as you read this, in fact. Y'know, if you're reading it when I publish this! 😝

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