daughter of hell 22

Start from the beginning

"Hey, kiddo."

He kissed my forehead.

"I missed you, dad." I said in the hope he'd annul the deal with my mother and would let me come home.

"You missed me so much that as soon as you arrived in Hell, you went to see Marcus?" He asked unconvinced.

"I couldn't find you?"

"Weak attempt, Luci. I'd thought you had more imagination than that." He said in an amused tone.

"I just got here?"

My dad sighed.

"You know full well that I know about every little thing that goes around in my Hell. Including who enters and who leaves."

Crap, I had forgotten about that. It made sneaking out almost impossible. Almost, obviously, since I had snuk out many times in the past.

"Which reminds me." He turned towards Marcus, who gulped.

"I had almost forgotten that you needed to bring the Fates a visit."

I grinned at his facial expression. Served him right, daring me to pash Mr. Cocky. What a bastard.

"I don't understand what you were thinking, Marcus." I scolded.

"Kissing a succubus." I sadly shook my head.

"What ever will become of you?"

He glared menacing at me and my dad frowned. He knew something was wrong but he had no prove that I had anything to do with it. I wasn't worried about Marcus ranting me out. It was one of our rules when it came to daring; you couldn't tell anyone you did it because of a dare. It saved my neck.

"Don't you have school, Luci?" Marcus asked with a smirk.

Oh, he's smooth, real smooth.

"I'm Satan's daughter. It can't be much of a chock to you that I'm skipping."

"You sure that's smart? You already got two weeks of detention."

I saw my dads eyes narrow.

"What did you do now, Lucifer?"

I gave Marcus the finger.

"Lucifer! What have I told you about obscene gestures?"

I shrugged. Damn, Satan lecturing me about obscenity. Hypocritical bastard. They were all bastards here in Hell. Why couldn't I be one? Everyone else was.

"Why don't you go and do Lachesis, Marcus?"

With an irritated scowl he used his demonpowers to leave the room.

Warily my dad pushed his hand throught his hair.

"What am I going to do with you, Lucifer?"

Not a damn thing, I thought angerly. But I was wise enough to keep that commment to myself.

"You constanly sneak out of hell when I tell you to stay put. You have this weird fascination with all things human and when I finally get over the fright for your life and find a solution for you to stay in the human world, you disobey me again?"

His horns were becomming more prominent while his anger piled up.

"Do you enjoy my misery, Lucifer? Because I can tell you right now that having to worry about you twentyfour on twentyfour is causing me distress. It is a miracle that I'm not spouting grey hair!"

Like he could get grey hair. He was an immortal. Immortals didn't age and therefor didn't get grey hair or wrinkels and the entire shit.

"Why don't you want me visiting?" I asked in a impatient voice.

My dad's face went blank. He probably hadn't expected me to know something was wrong. If my dad started ranting about my incapability to follow the rules, it meant he was working off his worries on a certain subject.

I hoped he got on with it, I had to pee.

"Xenx is here."

I rolled my eyes. Of course he was here. He was a demon. Demons belonged in Hell.

"And your point is...?" I dreged.

"He is trouble, Luci. I don't want him anywhere near my baby girl."

That would have sounded sweet if I hadn't been annoyed.

"You recruted him as a demon. You like the souls he brings in. He hasn't even looked at me, like ever for as far as I know."

"Spit it out, Luci."

"He's like any other demon! Why for the ever loving Unterworld would he be a threat to me? He's lower in rank than me. He only has to look funny and I'll kill him. Stop with the worries. They're useless."

My dad pulled me close for a hug.

"I love you, Luci. Put up with the worries of your old man and stay in school till I tell you it's okay to come here, okay?"

Wow, he really sounded worried. What was he afraid off?

"I'm scared for you." He guessed my thoughts.

"You're the Devil. You are feared, you don't fear yourself.

'You must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. You will face my fear. You will permit it to pass over you and through you. And when it has gone past you will turn to the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only you will remain.'" I quoted Frank Herbert.

It wasn't because I was a fighter that I had to be an alphabetic.

My dad raised one eyebrow at me, as if asking; 'where did you get that shit from?' Only he would say it without the shit, cause cussing in front of his daughter would be improper.

"I am not scared for myself, Luci. Your foolhardiness has me scared for you."

"You have to distance yourself from feelings or you'll suffer the consequences." I pointed out.

"No, Luci. That is your mother talking. Don't distance yourself from your feelings, you'll miss out on life if you do that."

"Who are you quoting?" I asked teasing.

But somewhere his words bothered me more than I wanted to let myself believe.

Had I really become like my mother? Taking a step back from the fun thing called life?

No, I wasn't like my mother. I didn't avoid life. Heck, I enjoyed it so much, it irritated my dad. Experiencing feelings like falling in love were something totally different. It was stupid and foolish.

Love, it left a bad aftertaste in my mouth.

I gave my dad a final hug.

"Just because I'm going, doesn't mean I'm liking it."

"Thank you, little princess." He used my old nickname that made me gag.

"Later old man." I grinned.

I was gone before he could open his mouth.


"To love is to risk not being loved in return.

To hope is to risk pain.

To try is to risk failure,

but risk must be taken

because the greatest hazard in life is

to risk nothing."

P.O.V. (Seth)

"Luciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" I screamed.

Where was that stupid obnoxious girl? She had one it again.

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