The breaking point

Depuis le début

Just 5 minutes later, Ben arrived and sprints upstairs to our rescue.
"Oh my god Darcy!" He hollers then leans down to hug her. "What is happening, why is she shaking?"
"She's having a seizure, it... It's because there's something wrong with her brain, but we can't talk about that right now, we need to concentrate on getting her to hosptial. The longer she shakes for, the more traumatic this is all going to be.

Ben's POV:
I suddenly recall something that her doctor said. He said something about her brain, that if the Cancer spreads there... Then it''s terminal... But no! No it can't be!

I stare at Sarah as she seems upset but seems to know what she is doing.
I guess this is what her husband had. He had seizures quite often because he had Brain Cancer. In a way it's good for Darcy in the situation now, because she's in the safest hands, with an expert.

Finally, the ambulance arrive, and they come straight upstairs to witness the sick Cancer patient on the floor.
"Right, hello everyone, We're paramedics and will be at your assistance today. I would like you to all keep calm, so we can get her out of here as quickly as possible. Okay, so what's this lovely girls name?"
"This is Darcy, she's my daughter, and she has Cancer"
"What type of cancer? Brain cancer?"
"No, leukaemia"
"Oh, has this ever happened before"
"No" Sarah bluntly says. The paramedics look at each other, and I think we all know the situation.
"Okay then, this needs to happen smoothly but quickly. " he leans down towards Darcy's head. "Hello Darcy, can you hear me?" There is no response. So the paramedic continues "alright then, let's start this now. " they put in an IV in her arm, and give her some medicine to try and help with the immediate effects of the seizure. They then give her a full body check-up, then put her on a stretcher.
"I'm so sorry Luke, grandma will be here in a minute to look after you okay, I love you" Sarah kisses Luke On the forehead then continues to follow the paramedics out the door with Darcy. And we're off to the hospital in the ambulance.

No one really says much, we all just stare at Darcy's fragile, deteriorating body. But then suddenly, she slightly opens one eye. But then closes it again "I think she's awake!" I shout then stand up "she opened her eyes." The paramedic stands up and walks over towards Darcy.
"Darcy, can you hear me? Darcy darling, can you hear me? Squeeze my hand once if you can, you don't have to speak" I stare closely at her hand, and notice a small movement. "Good girl Darcy, I'm a paramedic and you're in an ambulance okay. You're in the best hands now alright, we're going to get your better"
I look over to Sarah and see her lean back and let out a sigh of relief. Then she aims a small smile towards me. But Darcy's eyes are shut again, it looks like she's drifting in and out of consciousness.

Darcy's POV:
I can faintly detect what's going on. But I can't keep my eyes open for much longer than 3 seconds at a time. I'm in an ambulance, and there's a paramedic standing next to me. Ben and my mum are sitting next to each other, hugging, and both crying. The last thing I remember was talking to my mum in the kitchen and her asking me to come back downstairs after a call with Ben, but I don't actually remember if I went back downstairs or not. I'm guessing not.
I don't know exactly what's going on right now. But I can feel the oxygen mask on my face, the IV in my line in my arm, and the tubes attached to my body. So i know it's not good.

Bens POV:
I think she's awake, but I don't think she has any clue what's going on. She's pretty much out of it.

We eventually arrive at the emergency room entrance. And Darcy is immediately wheeled out of the ambulance and into the Emergency Department. We've had so many scares like this one with Darcy, but the outcome has always been quite good, I don't know if we're going to be as lucky with this one.
I've never seen her look so sick.

As she's rushed out of the ambulance and into the ER,me and her mum walk beside her through the whole thing.

She's rushed straight down the corridor, and now about 5 doctors have joined us to take over the paramedics.
"This is Darcy, and she has just experienced a seizure. She has stage 3 leukaemia, and was unconscious for 15 minutes." The doctors shout out all sorts of technical medical words that I don't at all understand, all whilst still rushing down the hallway. I can tell Sarah understands what they're saying though, which I guess isn't a good thing. She understands the severity of the situation.

One sick love storyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant