"Wanna go for a run?"

Barry finished talking to Caitlyn and Cisco before he met me outside the lab. He picked me up and spun me around before setting me back down.

"Ready?" I laughed.

"I'm always ready," he said cheekily.

I smacked his arm softly. "I have to run by the apartment really quick to get something from Amanda."

He held out his arm and bowed a little. "Lead the way, Miss Daniel."

"Why thank you, Mr. Allen," I giggled and took off. Barry kept up with ease as we appeared inside the apartment. Of course Amanda could sense we were coming since the super room's door was already open.

"Is it ready?" I asked my best genius friend.

She whirled around in her wheeled chair and handed me a thin bracelet with a small screen on it.

"All you have to do is tap it to turn it on and flick her wrist to the right to get it to change between screens," she explained. "Right now its showing your speed and if you flick you wrist it will show your vitals."

I clasped it on so that it fit tightly against my skin and flicked my wrist a few times to get used to it. I hugged and gave Amanda a kiss on the cheek.

"You're the best, Amanda King," I smiled.

"I know," she said with a flick of her hair as she whirled around to grab something. "Barry, I made you one to and already synced it to the S.T.A.R. Labs system so Cisco and Caitlyn can track your vitals and speed without your suit."

"Thanks, Amanda!" Barry smiled, surprised. He slipped his on his wrist, too - a manlier replica of mine.

"Ready to go?" I asked and thanked Amanda again.

Barry said yes as we made our way towards the balcony.

"Let's head west, there's more open fields that way," Barry suggested. I followed his lead as we started to run through the city.

I let out a carefree laugh as I went left around a building while Barry went right before meeting back up. We dashed through the streets, no one noticing us as we flew by. I tapped on the bracelet turning it back on, Barry doing the same. I checked my vitals first, my heart rate a little high but nothing to worry about. I flicked my wrist back to my speed. Only Mach 1.

"Let's pick it up, yeah?" I suggested. I needed to bring my speed up and I haven't had a good run in a while.

Barry nodded and shot out ahead of me.

"Hey!" I yelled and picked up my pace. Every time I run with Barry he challenges me to do better. I can always feel myself getting faster when I'm motivated by him.

I caught up to him eventually.

"A little faster, Katie. We can do it," he encouraged, trying to quicken his pace as well.

I grunted softly before quickening my pace more. 1,024 miles per hour. As I mentally whooped with excitement, my bracelet started to beep. I furrowed my brows confused as to why it was doing that. I flicked my wrist to my vitals and noticed right away something was wrong; my heart rate was too high. I started to slow down.

"Barry," I called out of breath.

He didn't hear me as he run out of sight. I came to a stop and put my hands on my knees gasping for breath. I sat in the middle of nowhere and waited for Barry to come back. A few seconds later he appeared in front of me crouching down.

"Are you okay?" he asked. "What happened?"

"My heart rate got super high," I said showing him my wrist.

He stood up and reached down to pull me up by my hands.

"Have you been eating?" he asked, a look of worry on his face.

"No. I mean, yeah, but not as much as I should," I confessed.

"That's it then. I had the same problem when I first woke up. You just have to eat more to keep up with your metabolism. You are looking a little too skinny."

I looked down. I had to agree. I wasn't as filled out as I should have been. I felt Barry's lips on my forehead and I instantly relaxed.

"You're fine, babe," he said softly.

I smirked. "Did you just call me 'Babe'?"

"Uh." He rubbed the back of his neck like he usually does we he gets nervous. His face was almost the same color as his suit.

"I'm just teasing you, Barr. I think it's cute."

"Good. It just felt right?" he said it more like a question.

"Well, we are dating," I pointed out. "I guess that gives you the right to pet names."

He smiled, nervousness gone. "Are you okay to go back?"

I looked at my wrist, my heart rate down to a good pace. "Yeah, just at a decent pace if that's okay."

"Of course, babe," he smirked.

"I could get used to that."

We made it back to the city after running around for a while longer. Barry dropped me off in my living room before kissing me goodbye and running back home.

Your heart rate spiked for a bit, Amanda's voice filled my head. Are you okay?

I walked into the super room. "I'm fine. Barry says its just from not eating enough to satisfy my metabolism."

"Why in the world didn't I think of that?" she asked, her face dropping.

"Don't beat yourself up," I told her wrapping my arms around her shoulders. "Just cook me more food."

She laughed and awkwardly hugged me back. "You got it, babe."

"Stay out of my head!"

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