"I only said that because...well...I dont know exactly..." I admitted.

"Its because you still have feelings for him...dont you?" He calmly asked.

"No, River I promise I don't." I quickly stated.

"Then look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't have feelings for Legend."

I looked into his eyes and was about to do what he said but....I couldn't. His eyes were staring into my soul. There was so much emotion in them.

"I....I don't..." I sighed and gave up. "I don't know."

"Yea...figures." He replied.

"River please don't feel bad. Its just that I trusted Legend easily because of how innocent of a guy he was. But its been almost six months since I first met you, and I'm still trying to learn how to trust you. And its hard because of the stories I've heard about you. I just need time you know." I confessed.

His expression changed from calm to irritated.

"Cassidy we've already talked about this. I know you've heard stories about me and I'm sure every single one of them is true. Yes I treated women like trash and toyed with their emotions but thats only because I didn't care about them like I care about you."

"How do I know that I'm any different from the other girls you've played.?" I asked.

"Well for starters I've never bought any of them a $23,000 necklace and a $56,000 ring." He responded as his voice began to raise. "And for two, I've always been able to get any girl I've ever wanted with ease. I've never been rejected nor have I ever had a problem at all with getting girls. But you...you rejected me the very first time I met you. And that made me want you more. I was determined to win you over. And now that I finally have you, I'm gonna do everything I can to keep you."

I didnt do or say anything at all. I just looked at him. I mean, I didnt know what to say.

"But to know that you still think I'm manipulating you is really pissing me off because I'm not. I stopped trying to manipulate you the day that you slapped the hell out of me. And I kinda find it funny that you trust my brother, who cheated on you, but you still don't trust me after half a year even though all I've done is try to prove to you that you can trust me."

"River, I'm sorry." I apologized. I felt like an asshole. Usually River was the asshole and I was the victim but now the roles were switched.

"Don't be." He replied. "All I wanna know is if I'm wasting my time by trying to be with you. Because if you dont want a relationship all you have to do is tell me and I'll walk away. But I won't stop trying to change your mind."

"That man you have...keep him...he's a rare type of man."

The old woman's words ran through my mind.

"I miss the hugs."

Instead of answering him I just hugged him. As tight as I could.

"Hold on to him for as long as you can."

All I've wanted for six months was for him to want me. And now that he did, it was time to show him that I want him too.


Max's P.O.V.

I stared into the mirror and concentrated solely on shaving the last bit of scruff off my face.

As the razor pressed against my face a huge thud hit the door and caused me jump which ended with me cutting myself just above the lip.

I pressed my finger down on the cut and turned to see what had caused the loud thud.

River. Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα