I laughed and laughed until he got off and pulled me up with him. Alice was dying from laughter at that point, as Zane put his arm around my shoulder as he pulled me close to him and we posed for a picture. Alice, still beaming, took the picture and gave us a wink. “Great now both of you need to shower and change so get to it. Zane, you’re first! Me and Ava can pick out some party clothes to wear.” She smiled at me and I only shook my head.  She knew how much I didn’t like picking out party clothes.

          In her room she had already had an outfit laid out. Since me and her were close to the same size, she had a few clothes that would fit quite nice on my small frame. She pulled out a long white dress with short black heels. “Here these will go very nice with your black leggings that you have on.” She smiled, and then looked at her own outfit. “We may be kind of matching, but hey it will show everyone who your favorite friend is.” She grinned from ear to ear. “You know, I am so happy that you’re finally eighteen. Maybe you can talk to your dad about moving in with us?” she asked nervously.

          I looked at her with a friendly face. I couldn’t lie and say that I hadn’t thought about it, because I had. In fact, that is exactly what I wanted to do. “I would love nothing more than that, but I think it’s customary that I be aligned to the pack before I can do anything else.”

          “Well that’s supposed to happen tonight Ava!”

          “I know, but who know what will happen. Who know where I’ll be needed.” I tried to explain how exactly I felt about everything, but the truth was I couldn’t quite put it into words. The door was shut to the room, but I could still hear Zane come out of the bathroom and shut the door to his own room. “Anyway I should probably go shower and then you can do my hair okay?” I tried to cheer me up, and the mention of me letting her dress me up was exactly what she needed to hear.

          After showering I dressed in what Alice had lain out for me and then blow-dried my hair which came out perfectly and annoyingly straight. Of course, after Alice had finished with it, it was amazingly wavy and tied into a small bow to the side of my face. We all gathered in the living room as Alice and Zane looked at me when suddenly a knock sounded at the door. I turned around stunned and looked at the two siblings suspiciously. “What are you guys up to?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

           Zane opened the door and there behind it stood five people that I had known for quite some time. There was Alana, the youngest brown haired wolf that was as cool as the sea. There was alexander, the oldest short blonde, teenage leader; boyfriend to Kelly, boy short black hair and only centimeters shorter and younger than Alexander.  Rosario was tan and good looking and the little boy of the pack. Then there was Max, about the same size as Zane, but a little thicker in the shoulders. He had piercing green eyes, light skin, a little hair on the face, and dirt blonde hairs that were ruffled and pointing every which way. They all rang out together and said happy birthday as they walked in, most of them carrying liquor, others carrying packages of who knows what.

          “Wow guys, I can’t believe you did all this!” I yelled as Max was the first to jump out and give me a hug, annoyingly spinning me around as he did.

          “Of course little wolf, we wanted your eighteenth birthday to be amazing!” he put me back down and looked me straight in the eye. Every time we had met he had a way of hitting a nerve right in that oh so tingly spot. “I mean other than you, little Alana is the only one left to join us!” he looked back at Alana who was glaring at him. I smiled at them all as they started to settle. Most of them crowded in the kitchen, and I had no idea where Alice went, but Zane was keeping me company on the couch. “So…little wolf huh?” he said quietly as he looked off somewhere in the distance.

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