"Auntie," she says.  "I wanna buy dis."  She holds up a new plushie.  You sigh and decide to give in.  You say goodbye to Yao and exchange numbers before going off to pay for the new toy.


A week later, you find yourself walking off to buy some flowers.  Since it was so bleak outside of your house, you decided to make the inside as warm and colorful as possible.  And what better way to do that than with flowers.

You walked over to a nearby flower shop.  Inside was so colorful.  As you walked around you noticed a tall man looking at some sunflowers.  Being curious, you get closer and soon recognize him as the man who saved you.

You walk over and tap him on the shoulder.  He turns to face you and quickly recognizes you as well.

"Thank you for saving me from that guy."  You said.  He smiled and said it was nothing.

"But it was something," you protested.  "If you hadn't been there, then that guy might've..."  You began to shake at the thought.  The tall guy places a hand on your shoulder and says,

"It's okay."  You feel reassured by these words.  You soon begin chatting.  It was then that you found out that your savior was named Ivan Braginsky.  You guys end up exchanging numbers and soon go your separate ways.


A week had passed since then and you were swamped with work.  On the open windowsill sat your cute white cat, Primrose.

Eventually she lifted her head and jumped out the window.  You found this quite odd; Primrose rarely ever went outside, and that was only when you brought her out to the backyard.

You got up and went to the back to investigate.  After spending a few minutes investigating the the garden, you find her being fawned over by a very fluffy blonde cat.

You soon recognize this cat as the one who wanted to go to the Eiffel Tower.  The two cats soon notice your presence.   Your cat walks over to you and wraps her long white tail around your leg.  The other cat seems to swoon.  You pick up Primrose and ask,

"Is he your boyfriend?"  Primrose turns her nose the other way, indicating that that was a no.  The other cat looks down.

"You will break 'is 'eart beauté (beauty),"  A new voice says with a french accent.  You are soon facing the same handsome blonde who has his cat scooped up in his arms.

"And you are?"  You ask.  He looks shocked at first but then tries to play it suave by saying,

"I am ze famous Francis Bonnefoy, but you may call me your- 'ey come back 'ere!"  You began walking away from the obvious flirt.  He chased after you.  You eventually turn around and say,

"I'm [name], now get off my property."  You then slam the door in the smirking Frenchman's face.


A few days later, walking through town after doing a bit of shopping, you decide to go into a cafe for a drink.

Once inside you order a cup of hot chocolate and find a seat.  You look out the window to see it was snowing.  Soon the cafe became filled with people rushing to get out of the snow.  The place became crowded fast.

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