Our date

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"This place is so nice." Luke grinned as he took another bite of his steak.

"I'm glad you like it, babe." Ashton put his hand on Luke's. He felt so much better being able to show that he was gay. He didn't feel like he was holding anything in anymore.

"Are you okay? You keep checking your phone." Luke said eyeing Ashton. Ashton put his phone back in his pocket again.

"Sorry, I'm fine. I just want to make sure tonight goes as planned." Ashton said honestly.

"What's tonight?" Luke asked frowning.

"Our date." Ashton chuckled.

"We're on it." Luke frowned.

"This is only part of it." Ashton explained taking a sip of his drink.

"Part of it? You mean there's more?" Luke asked still frowning.

"Yes, you think this is the special thing I had planned?" Ashton laughed.

"What it's a fancy dinner. It's special to me." Luke shrugged.

"I love you." Ashton smiled at the blonde.

"What else do you have planned then?" Luke asked raising a brow.

"It's a surprise." Ashton rolled his eyes.

"Well when do I get to know?" Luke asked.

"When we get there." Ashton answered vaguely.

When will we get there?" Luke pressed.

"Well it depends which part you're talking about." Ashton smiled.

"What do you mean which part?" Luke asked with a frown.

"Well we're at the first part. The second part, will be after dinner then the last part will follow that." Ashton knew he was driving Luke crazy.

"Ugh, you're impossible." Luke huffed.

"I can't tell you." Ashton laughed. At that moment their waiter showed up with the check.

"I hope all of this wasn't too expensive." Luke sighed as Ashton paid for the meal.

Ashton fought to hide his smile. Luke had no idea.

"Michael, that is not what I sent you to get." Calum huffed as his boyfriend carried a large box of bright red plates towards him.

"But they match my hair." Michael pouted.

"White, I sent you for white." Calum sighed.

"But white is boring." Michael pointed out.

"But it's agreeable." Calum pointed to the back of the store. Michael huffed but went back to get what Calum wanted. He checked his phone.

"Just getting to the festival now."

A message from Ashton. Good, things were going to plan.

"Oh my goodness, I can't believe you got us tickets to this!" Luke exclaimed excitedly.

"I thought you might like it. I know how much you love music." Ashton said his hand wrapped tightly around Luke's waist.

Luke gripped Ashton in a tight hug.

"You are literally the best boyfriend ever." Luke couldn't stop grinning.

"Come on." Ashton lead Luke to the front gate. He handed a man two tickets and they were allowed in.

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