Where the hell did you hear that?

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Luke opened his locker to another note from Ashton.

"Hey baby, I've missed seeing you all day. Are you busy after school? I was thinking we could hang out. My mom will be out. I'll see you soon.

xox, Ash"

Luke smiled to himself as he put the note away. He hadn't seen Ashton all day but he was looking forward to hanging out with him after school.

"Ahem." A voice cleared from behind him. Luke turned.

"L-Liam." Luke said in surprise.

"Can we talk?" Liam asked.

"I have to meet Louis on the soccer field." Luke said.

"It'll only take a second." Liam pleaded.

"Fine, what?" Luke sighed hoping Liam would be quick.

"You're dating Zayn now?" Liam asked a hurt look on his face.

"Who told you that?" Luke asked narrowing his eyes.

"People have been talking about it." Liam shrugged.

"No, we're not dating." Luke shook his head.

"So you didn't go out with him on Friday?" Liam asked hopefully.

"Well, yeah, I did but-"

"So then you are dating him." Liam cut in.

"No, we went on one date. But we aren't together." Luke explained.

"Are you going to date him?" Liam asked.

"No." Luke answered with a sigh.

"Is it because you have feelings for Ashton?" Liam asked.

"No, I don't have feelings for Ashton." Luke groaned. Why was Liam asking all of these questions?

"Yes you do." Liam accused.

"It's so obvious. It was obvious when we were dating." Liam dropped his eyes.

"Look, what does it matter to you who I'm dating anyway?" Luke snapped. He was ready to be done with this conversation.

"I just miss you." Liam shrugged.

"That's bullshit and we both know it." Luke growled.

"I wish you would believe me." Liam said his tone sad. Luke wanted to believe him but he refused to give in.

"Liam, I think it's time you moved on." Luke sighed rubbing his temples.

"Did you ever even have feelings for me?" Liam asked with a slight frown.

"Of course I did. Why would you even ask that?" Luke asked a bit hurt.

"Everyone is saying you are dating Zayn to get back at me and that you really have feelings for Ashton. I knew Ashton had feelings for you but I really thought you genuinely liked me." Liam gave Luke a sad look.

"I'm not dating Zayn and I don't have feelings for Ashton. Also Ashton's not even gay so how could he possibly have feelings for me? This is all so ridiculous. I did genuinely like you, you're the one who was using me, remember?" Luke barked. He was getting mad.

"At first, but then I really did care about you. I never meant for you to find out." Liam sighed his eyes watering. Luke looked away. He couldn't fall for it. Liam was only lying.

"It's been over almost two months since we broke up, why are you still trying to convince me you cared?" Luke groaned.

"Because, I don't want you to think of me as an awful person. I regret what I did, truly." Liam grabbed Luke's hand.

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