Stop calling me baby

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"Luke." Ashton's voice spoke in barely a whisper. The sight of the broken boy before him made Ashton's heart clench. It hurt Ashton to see Luke so upset.

Luke looked up his bright blue eyes red from crying.

"How'd you know I was here?" Luke asked fighting to wipe away the tears that were running down his face.

"We searched everywhere else. I thought about where I would go if I wanted to be alone. I hoped you'd be here, and you are." Ashton explained.

"I figured no one would know about this place expect you." Luke shrugged sniffling a bit.

"Did you want me to find you?"Ashton asked curiously.

Luke shook his head.

"Then why come here?" Ashton asked again.

"I didn't think you'd care enough to come look for me." Luke sniffled again still fighting the tears.

Ashton cringed at the remark.

"Luke, that's not true at all. I care about you... a lot." Ashton spoke kneeling down in front of Luke and grabbing his hands.

"I can't believe Liam did that to you. I'm so sorry that he did. I know...I know you cared about him and I'm sorry he was too stupid to feel the same way." Ashton sighed not sure how to comfort Luke.

"I just want someone to love me for me, not because of what my name is." Luke cried a new set of tears spilling down his cheeks.

"H-he...said he...he loved me cause I was...Luke Hemmings... How could he...say that?" Luke couldn't hold back his tears Liam's last sentence had hurt him more than the lying and the fact that he was using Luke to get to Zayn.

Luke's phone buzzed as Ashton was about to respond. It was on the table next to them.

"May I?" Ashton asked. Luke only nodded.

Ashton opened the phone to see a text from Liam.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I know what I did was wrong. But i promise you I was only with you to get back at Zayn at first. I never intended to fall for you but I did. I really love you. I wish I didn't but I do and I just want a chance to explain."

Luke read the text as well.

"I want to believe him but he said he only loved me cause I was Luke Hemmings. I can't look past that." Luke sniffled.

"So tell him that." Ashton suggested handing his phone back to him.

"I'd rather talk to him in person.

"I tell you what, there's nobody in the auditorium next period have him meet you there. I'll come with you." Ashton put a hand on Luke's leg.

"I don't want to drag you into this." Luke shook his head.

"Nonsense. I'm here for you." Ashton knew it wasn't the best idea but he had to ignore his feelings right now. Right now Luke needed him.

"I could just get Michael to come with me." Luke suggested finally calming down his tears.

"I don't think that's a good idea. Michael was about to kill him back on the field. It took Calum kissing Michael to get him to calm down." Ashton chuckled.

"Calum kissed Michael?" Luke asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah, apparently Michael felt the same way Calum did." Ashton shrugged.

"About damn time." Luke gave a small smirk.

"Text Liam and we can meet him at the auditorium after the final bell. I'm gonna go let them know you're alright." Ashton spoke standing.

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