We're in a similar position

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It was lunch time again and Liam wasn't keen on Luke being around Ashton without him around so he decided to tag along to the soccer field with Luke. He had hung out with Luke in the library

"So are we meeting Louis at the soccer field?" Liam asked.

"Ummm, yeah." Luke said hesitantly. He wasn't sure how everyone would feel about him dragging Liam along.

"Great, let's head that way." Liam exclaimed with fake excitement.

Once they reached the field Luke saw that Louis was already there with Harry, Niall, Ashton and Michael.

"Hey guys." Luke announced walking up to the group.

"Hey Luke...and Liam apparently." Michael said turning to his friend.

"Yeah, Liam wanted to come along because....well I'm not sure actually. Why did you want to come along?" Luke asked turning to Liam.

"I wanted to hang out with you longer. Plus you getting sweaty playing a sport is fun for me to watch." Liam grinned.

"You do realize this is for soccer not football right?" Louis asked putting a hand on his hip.

"I'm aware." Liam nodded.

"I think it's sweet." Harry grinned wrapping his arms around Louis' waist and placing his head on his chin.

"Hey Hemmings." A voice yelled his name from behind him.

It was Zayn and his friend Jack. They were two of the seniors.

"Hey Zayn, what's up?" Luke asked as they approached.

"What are you doing later?" Zayn asked giving Luke a quick glance over.

"Later when?" Luke asked, suspicious.

"After school, around say dinner time." Zayn shrugged with a grin.

"Wait, are you asking him out?" Ashton asked taking a step forward.

"Maybe I am, what's it to you?" Zayn glared at Ashton.

"I'm not really interested, but thanks though." Luke shrugged.

"Not interested? Is Irwin here your boyfriend or something?" Zayn asked raising a brow.

"No, but I am." Liam answered putting an arm possessively around Luke's waist.

"Oh. Well if you change your mind here's my number." Zayn shrugged handing over a small slip of paper. Luke took it and nodded.

Once Zayn and Jack had left Liam removed his arm from around Luke.

"So you two are dating?" Niall asked surprised.

"No, but I don't like Zayn." Liam shrugged.

"Uh, thanks for that." Luke gave Liam a small smile.

"Why did you turn Zayn down? He's super hot." Harry asked throwing his hands up.

"Ummm, excuse me?" Louis glared at Harry.

"Not as hot as you Lou, don't worry." Harry smiled placing a gentle kiss on Louis' pouting lips.

"He's not really interested in dating me. He's interested in dating my name." Luke shrugged before grabbing a soccer ball and heading onto the field.

"Sensitive subject." Michael explained to the group of confused faces.

"Go get him baby!" Harry yelled as Louis hurried after Luke.

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