Can I ask you something?

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Luke checked his phone. It was six fifty. He took a deep breath as he made his way downstairs.

"Hey, Luke, where you off to?" Jack asked sitting at the kitchen table.

"Going out." Luke answered simply hoping Jack wouldn't press the issue.

"Out where?" Ben asked walking in behind Luke.

Luke sighed. Jack of course wasn't going to press the issue but Ben definitely was.

"I don't know." Luke shrugged answering honestly. Zayn hadn't told Luke where they were going.

"Are you going on a date?" Ben asked with a smirk on his face.

Luke simply shrugged.

"You so are." Ben laughed.

"Don't say anything to dad please, He wasn't exactly happy that I broke up with Liam." Luke pleaded.

"I was only disappointed that it didn't work out. I really liked him." Luke's dad said appearing at the kitchen door.

Luke let out a groan.

"So who's this date I'm not supposed to know about?" His dad crossed his arms.

"It's just one date, I'm not seeing the guy." Luke explained.

"Why just one date?" Jack asked to Luke's surprise.

"He's been bugging me since before Liam and I got together." Luke answered.

"Is he cute?" Ben asked.

"Yeah, he's really hot actually. He's also a senior." Luke nodded.

"Whoa, pulling in the older guys." Ben smirked.

"I'm really only doing this so he'll leave me alone." Luke shifted wanting them to drop the subject.

"So why don't you want to date this guy?" Luke's dad asked hesitantly.

"I dunno." Luke chewed on his bottom lip.

"There has to be a reason." Jack raised a brow.

"He's just not my type." Luke shrugged.

"Oh yes, because the captain of the football team was so your type." Ben rolled his eyes.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it!" Ben grinned rushing towards the door.

"Hello, you must be the hot senior here to take my brother on a date." Ben smirked as he allowed Zayn in.

"Zayn." Zayn smiled holding his hand out to Ben.

"Ben." Ben responded taking Zayn's hand.

"This is Jack and our dad." Ben spoke introducing Zayn to the rest of the family.

"It's nice to meet all of you." Zayn smiled taking Jack's hand and then Luke's dad's.

"Hey, Handsome." Zayn smiled at Luke before placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Hey." Luke blushed lightly.

"So this is the guy that's not your type?" Luke's dad asked raising a brow at his youngest son.

"Not your type huh?" Zayn asked looking at Luke.

Luke rolled his eyes.

"Don't act like you're surprised."

"I know I'm not Ashton Irwin but come on give some credit. I'm also not Liam Payne and let's be fair he's even less you're type." Zayn winked at Luke earning a slight glare.

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