Why are you being so nice to me?

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Ashton laid in his bed staring at his ceiling. It was quiet in the house. His mom must have finally gone to bed. His younger brother and sister stayed with their dad during the school year. He was glad when his step dad moved out. The yelling between him and Ashton's mom was annoying and the younger kids weren't used to it like Ashton was. He remembered going through that before his dad left so it wasn't anything new for him. But now things were silent. His mom often had friends over. Loud over opinionated women who were just as stuck up as his own mom.

Ashton rolled over and grabbed his phone. It was only ten thirty. He pulled up Luke's number and typed a quick message. He wasn't sure if Luke was even awake but he had been wanting to text him all day but never did. Ashton pressed the send button and rolled back on to his back. He felt restless. Ashton kicked back the covers and threw on a pair of running shorts and a hoodie. He grabbed his phone and slipped out his door and down the stairs. He checked the couch to see if his mom was asleep on the couch again. Nope. She must have actually made it to her room tonight.

Ashton quietly slipped out the front door being extra careful not to make too much noise.

Luke pulled out his phone to see a text from a number he didn't know.

"Hey, Luke, It's Ashton. I got your number from Lou. But I just wanted to say thanks for sending Michael today. That was really cool of you to do. Louis was really excited about the notes that Michael took. And I'm sure Michael told you that Lou made the team. Thanks again."

Luke blinked down at his phone as he read the text again. He couldn't believe Ashton had text him. Luke pondered what to say. He decided to wait at least five minutes before answering so it didn't seem like he was just holding on to his phone at ten thirty at night.

Luke glanced around. He was sitting in a nearby park on one of the swings. He hadn't wanted to go home so he just stayed out. Not that anyone would notice him missing. Luke looked back down at his phone. He decided to respond. It had been a couple minutes since he got the text.

"Hey Ashton, no problem. I felt bad not being able to make it. I'm glad he made the team."

He decided to keep it simple. Just then he heard someone walking behind him. He turned to see a hooded figure with his hands in his pocket. Luke frowned. he was about to say something when they person looked up.

Ashton looked up to see the park he sometimes visited late at night. When he looked up he was Look standing by the swings Ashton was walking towards.

"Hemmings, is that you?" Ashton asked frowning.

"Uh, Ashton, hey." Luke said in surprise.

"What are you doing here this late?" Ashton asked looking around as if there might be someone else here.

"Didn't feel like going home yet." Luke shrugged.

"What about you?"

"Couldn't sleep." Ashton shrugged.

Ashton took a seat on the swing next to Luke. Luke sat back down in the swing he was previously occupying.

"So you haven't been home at all today?" Ashton asked looking over at Luke.

"Nah. I met up with Michael for dinner after tryouts then we went back to his place to do homework. Then instead of going home I came here." Luke shrugged.

"Do you come here often? I've never seen you here before." Ashton commented.

"Not too often. You do?" Luke asked.

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