Do you remember...

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Ashton drug himself out of bed. It had been a week since Liam and Luke started dating and he was in no mood to see them all over each other again. It had been nice going an entire weekend without seeing Luke. It was harder at school since Louis and Luke had gotten a lot closer. Michael, Luke and Liam now hung out with Louis and Harry more which meant Ashton had to see Luke more. Thankfully he and Calum had grown pretty close and he didn't have to endure it alone. Ashton grabbed his phone to see him morning texts from Louis.

"Hey, Ash, Haz and I are going out hang out after school today you and Calum should come with."

Ashton had been thankful Louis didn't question Calum and him being so close all of a sudden. In fact he was almost certain he was excited to be friends with the captain of the soccer team.

"Okay, sounds good." Ashton replied.

He got dressed, brushed his teeth, made his bed, and headed down stairs.

"Ashton, there you are. I want you to know that I'm having some ladies over around four so please don't bring any of your friends by." Ashton's mom spoke not looking up from her phone. Ashton rolled his eyes.

"I'm hanging out with Louis and Calum after school so I won't be home." Ashton was now thankful for Louis' invitation.

"Oh, perfect. Is your room picked up?" She asked finally looking up.

"Yep." Ashton nodded. His mom was incredibly anal about everything looking perfect when she had company which was more often than not. Even Ashton's room had to be in tip top shape. Ashton just learned to keep it clean and he wouldn't have to hear her fuss.

"Very good."

"Oh, I wanted to talk to you about something."

Ashton froze, her tone said he was in trouble.

"I spoke with Mrs. Andrew's this morning." Ashton's mom spoke while she was still looking at her phone.

"Mom, I told you why I broke up with Karen." Ashton groaned.

"Exactly, what I wanted to talk to you about. You said you broke up with her. Mrs. Andrew's told me she broke up with you. Why did you lie to me?" Ashton's mom set her phone down giving Ashton her full attention, which Ashton didn't like.

"Well she told me to choose her or Louis. I chose Louis. I guess I just assumed I made the breakup official. Why does it matter?" Ashton huffed.

"Because, I cannot have my son being known as the one who get's dumped by his girlfriend." Ashton's mother spoke in astonishment as if the idea was appalling.

"If you didn't tell everyone my business it wouldn't matter." Ashton groaned.

"Ashton Irwin, I do not appreciate your attitude." His mom snapped.

"You have a reputation to uphold, which is why I have a surprise for you."

"A what?" Ashton never got anything from his mother but a hard time. His last birthday she had handed him her credit card and told him to stay out all day cause she had friends coming over.

"Come with me." Ashton's mom stood and lead him to the garage.

"What is that?" Ashton asked staring at the brand new BMW that was sitting in the garage.

"I decided if you are my son you have to have a nice care for your first car. You got your license last month and now you have a car to take your friends in." She smiled proudly.

"Now, here are the keys. It is to stay in excellent condition. You are to clean it once a week, understood?"

Ashton knew this wasn't a nice gesture she wanted to do for him, it was a stunt to keep up appearances. He only wondered who's son got a new car that she needed to show up. He took the key and forced a smile. He had learned from past experience that he had to pretend to be grateful for anything his mother did or she would nag him for months.

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