How'd you get so good at playing?

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Liam waited impatiently by Luke's last class. He was determined to get this boy on the football team. As the class piled out of the room he felt himself being jerked back.

"What the-?" Liam turned to see Ashton.

"Why are you so interested in Luke all of a sudden?" Ashton asked in a snappy tone.

"I think he's a cool guy and while I was never a fan of his brothers he seems like less of a dick. What's it to you?" Liam asked crossing his arms over his chest.

"He's not interested in playing football. Lay off." Ashton growled.

"Whoa, what's it matter to you?" Liam fired back.

"I just want to make sure he has time to help Louis practice more and I don't need you getting in the way." Ashton snapped.

"Help Louis practice more?" Liam asked confused.

"Yeah, Luke agreed to help him so back off."

"Look, I'm not doing anything wrong. He's free game and at the moment he and I have to get to the field. See ya." Liam turned then and met Luke at the door.

"Hey Luke, ready to go?" Liam asked cheerily as he caught Ashton's glare.

Ashton felt his anger get the better of him. He checked his phone. He still had thirty minutes before he had to meet Louis. He headed for the gym. He needed to release some steam.

As he pushed the door open to the back health room he was greeted by Mrs. Everette.

"Afternoon Ashton. Already here on the first day huh?" The tall brunette asked.

"Yeah, it was a long summer." Ashton nodded walking towards the rack of boxing gloves.

"Well I have some paper to fill out but feel free to stay as long as you need. And it's all mindless work so if you need to vent you know I'm happy to listen."

Ashton smiled as she took a seat at her desk. She had always been there for Ashton. She knew more about Ashton then anyone else did, even his own family. She left the door to her office unlocked so that after school Ashton could release some steam on the schools punching bags. Ashton appreciated it and it kept him out of trouble.

Ashton got into position and threw his first punch.

"Whoa, you must be pissed you don't usually start throwing punches that hard at first." Mrs. Everette commented.

"Who was that one for?"

"Liam. Payne." Ashton huffed between punches.

"Really? You've never had trouble with him before. What did he do?"

"Just. Being an. ass." Ashton answered.

After a few more swings Mrs. Everette asked.

"How's Karen?"

Ashton paused.

"The bitch broke up with me cause I wouldn't ditch Louis after school today." Ashton growled before throwing a few more angry punches.

"Good. She was no good for you anyway." Mrs. Everette grinned.

Ashton rolled his eyes.

"You only think that cause I didn't actually like her." Ashton commented.

"While that may be partially true. She shouldn't make you choose between her and your friends. She should be supporting your friends. Showing interest in them. Besides anyone who knows you knows your friends are the most important thing to you." Mrs. Everette shrugged.

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