We can't keep doing this

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Calum watched across the table as Ashton drug his eyes away from Luke. Calum felt bad. He knew what it was like to want someone you couldn't have. He looked at the red haired guy beside him. He couldn't help but admire the color of his green eyes. Michael's mouth curled into a smile at something Harry said causing Calum to smile as well, Michael's smiles were contagious. Calum looked back at Ashton who was now staring off into space. He needed to get Ashton and Luke together, but how when Ashton was afraid to come out and Luke was with Liam? Calum pulled out his phone sending a text to Michael.

"We need to get them together quick, Ashton looks like a lost puppy over there."

He watched Michael read his text before looking across the table at Ashton.

"Damn, he does. What are we going to do though? I don't know how to convince Luke to break up with Liam."

Michael text back.

Calum pondered the thought before a smile came to his face.

"Why don't you crash at mine tonight and we can brainstorm together."

Calum held his breath as he watched Michael read the text. Michael smiled much to Calum's relief.

"Sounds good to me."

Micheal tried to hold back the excitement when he read Calum's text. He was going to stay at Calum's, he couldn't believe. He tried to keep the smile off his face as he concentrated on the story Louis was telling but he felt like he was failing.

Luke noticed the grin playing on Micheal's lips as Louis talked. What was he so happy about? Luke's eyes then slid over to a miserable looking Ashton. He felt the need to apologize but he didn't know what to say. He glanced at his boyfriend who was in conversation with Harry. So Luke quickly pulled his phone out and sent Ashton a text.

"I'm sorry about today. I really am, I wish we could be friends but it hurts too much."

Luke watched impatiently as Ashton received and read his text. Ashton looked up meeting Luke's eyes. Luke bit his lip. Ashton turned away then. Luke sighed feeling defeated. Why did things have to be so complicated? Suddenly his phone buzzed notifying him that Ashton had responded.

"Why do you like Liam?"

Luke frowned. Why did that matter?"

"Because he understands me. He cares about me. He supports me. Why?" Luke was nervous about having this conversation with Michael on one side of him and Liam on the other but Ashton looked crushed and Luke couldn't stand it.

"So do I...."

Luke felt his heart wrench as he met Ashton's eyes once more. Suddenly Ashton stood up.

"I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be right back."

"Oh, I'll go with you, I don't know where the bathroom is." Luke said. Calum and Michael moved so Luke could get out of the booth. He hurried after Ashton who didn't bother to wait on him.

"Ashton, wait, please." Luke pleaded as they reached the bathroom door.

"What?" Ashton snapped turning to face Luke.

"We can't keep doing this." Luke shifted uncomfortably.

"Doing what?" Ashton asked as if he didn't know what Luke was talking about.

"Hurting each other." Luke answered.

"Then be with me." Ashton said in a tone that almost sounded desperate.

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