That wasn't my question

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It was lunch time and Luke was dreading running into Liam and Michael. They had both text him asking where he was during first period but he never responded. He wasn't sure what to tell them. He and Ashton had agreed to keep the kiss between them quiet but it was eating at Luke.

He hurried to the soccer field in hopes of avoiding them for a little bit longer. Unfortunately he was first one to the field, that meant he had a chance of talking to Liam and Michael before Louis showed up.

"Hey." Luke felt himself tense. He turned coming face to face with Ashton.

"Hey." Luke bit his lip nervously.

"Where's Liam and Michael?" Ashton asked trying not to concentrate on the fact that Luke was biting his lip. Something about that really turned him on.

"Umm, not sure." Luke shrugged.

"Look, I just wanted to apologize again for this morning. I didn't mean to be so....well emotional." Ashton swallowed hard.

"Ashton, you don't have to apologize for that." Luke shook his head.

"I'm just glad you were honest with me."

"You're not gonna...tell anybody...about our conversation are you?" Ashton asked fidgeting nervously.

"No, of course not. What we talked about is between us." Luke put a comforting hand on Ashton's shoulder. Ashton tensed under his touch.

"Oh, sorry, I shouldn't have..." Luke trailed off as he dropped his hand and averted his eyes.

"It's fine, please don't walk on egg shells around me. I want to be friends with you." Ashton said taking a step towards Luke. He gently lifted Luke's chin so he was now looking at Ashton.

"Please?" Ashton asked with a saddened look in his eyes.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Luke asked. Ashton held Luke's chin in place as he took another slight step forward.

"I'd rather be friends with you than nothing at all." Ashton stated.

"I really think I could get used to controlling myself if I was around you more. Maybe even get over you." Ashton sighed heavily.

"Hey guys." Calum spoke up causing Ashton to quickly pull his hand away and Luke to step back.

"H-hey." Luke stuttered when he saw Liam and Michael were with him.

"Hey, babe, where were you?" Liam asked placing a kiss on Luke's lips.

"Oh, I was helping Mrs. Everette with some things, sorry. I meant to text you but got busy." Luke apologized.

Calum glanced at Luke curiously. Luke was helping Mrs. Everette? Why would Luke be helping Mrs. Everette?

Once Louis showed up and Liam went to get pizza Calum pulled Ashton aside.

"Luke wasn't really helping Mrs. Everette was he?" Calum asked accusingly.

"Not exactly." Ashton answered looking guilty.

"What were you two doing?" Calum demanded.

"Just talking." Ashton shrugged.

"Yeah, talking. I'm sure that's all." Calum rolled his eyes.

"He's with Liam now, you said you were backing off." Calum hissed trying to keep his voice low so Michael wouldn't hear.

"I know, but they were kissing in the auditorium and I got jealous. Liam left and I talked to Luke for a minute. I got carried away." Ashton sighed.

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